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Telford & Wrekin SEND Working Together Charter

Telford & Wrekin Local Partnership

In Telford & Wrekin the local partnership is committed to co-produce services with families for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities at every stage.

The SEND Working Together Charter has been developed by Parents, Carers, Children, Young People, Telford & Wrekin Council, Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin NHS and partners.

By signing this charter the area partnership are committing to embed co-production principles at the heart of their services. The area partnership agrees to build trust, listen to lived experience, accept innovative ideas from families and partners to shape and improve long time outcomes for children and young people with SEND across Telford & Wrekin.

Our core co-production principles are:

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Co-production is about involving our families, children and young people to work with us right from the start to help shape and improve our services.

Feel valued and included

To ensure families and partners feel valued and included:

  • Celebrate children and young people as they are.
  • Empower all to have a voice.
  • Care for and care about families lived experiences.
  • Promote a more holistic understanding of where families are on their journey. We will achieve this by:
  • Creating and embedding meaningful coproduction, including honest consultation, involvement, effective participation, openness, honesty, fairness, respect and ownership.
  • Recognising the strengths of families, professionals and systems to ensure positive outcomes.
  • Using the lived experience of families to shape services.
  • Acknowledging families input, providing welcome and recognition to ensure everyone has equal time and space to contribute.
  • Ensuring families are treated as equal partners throughout their journey.
  • Recognising that families have valuable expertise by experience
  • Encouraging all partners to contribute to developments.
  • Recognising everyone as an individual/s, making reasonable adjustments as required
  • Exploring all possibilities, making better decisions and discoveries.

Open communication

To ensure open communication with families and partners:

  • Actively listen at the earliest opportunity to ensure families receive the correct support or service.
  • Ensure everybody’s voice is heard.
  • Be transparent and clear.
  • Be open, honest and respectful in all communications

We will achieve this by:

  • Making sure that all communication will be provided in a clear and accessible format, with the correct adjustments for families.
  • Inviting feedback and enable two-way communication using the ‘You Said, We Did’ approach.
  • Using feedback to co-produce service changes, developments and improvements.
  • Enabling everyone to take part in ways that are appropriate for each person so they are empowered to actively participate in meetings and events.
  • Use positive language
  • Have a clear vision of each opportunity, making sure that relevant information is highlighted, so that the principles and boundaries are understood.
  • Use reflection and review time.
  • Communicate with openness and honesty about provisions and services

Feel welcomed and cared

  • To ensure families and partners feel welcomed and cared for:
  • Make sure that everyone is an equal partner at every stage.
  • Make sure that all partners are involved and accountable.
  • Invest the time needed for working together.
  • Make sure that regular feedback is heard and demonstrate the impact using the ‘You Said, We Did’ approach.

We will achieve this by:

  • Including all partners in the development of strategic planning.
  • Providing the opportunity for involvement to all partners.
  • Making sure that balanced views are heard by all partners with everyone being valued and shown the same level of respect.
  • Being open and reflective of unconscious bias.
  • Making sure that opportunities are accessible to all and provide a ‘safe space’ to share lived experience.
  • Responding to feedback using the ‘You Said, We Did’ approach to demonstrate the impact.
  • Understanding ‘lived experience’ to create better opportunities for families

Working in partnership

To work in partnership families and partners:

  • Involve, include and agree outcomes together.
  • Agree on what each partner will contribute.
  • Be open to different views and perspectives.
  • Ensure that all contributions are heard and valued equally. We will achieve this by:
  • Making sure that all children and young people aged 0-25 and their families are at the heart of all strategic planning, development and decision making.
  • Embedding co-production in all SEND processes, including Health, Social Care, Education, Schools, Settings, Public Health, Early Intervention and other partner services.
  • Understanding transparency, accessibility and challenges.
  • Making sure of the right representation at strategic and operational level.
  • Using the ‘You Said, We Did’ approach to demonstrate the impact of feedback that is received from families and partners.

Download SEND Working Together Charter (PDF)

SEND working together charter poster
SEND working together charter display screen

For more information please contact us by email: [email protected]

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