0 - 5 years

0 - 5 years
Care Services
Child Development Centre
The Child Development Centres (CDCs) provide information and advice for parents and carers and developmental assessment and intervention for young children. The services are currently provided for children who are less than five years old and before they begin going to school. Families may be referred to the CDC when their child has been given a diagnosis which is likely to affect their long term development or when it is felt that their child’s development is not progressing as expected.
Strengthening Families
Targeted family support in their own home to support with family relationships, managing behaviour, access to services, CAF/TAC support, positive local activities and access to courses.
For more information please call 01952 387183
Childcare Works
Supports the delivery of early years and childcare for two- three- and four-year-olds in ways in which high-quality childcare is accessible, flexible and affordable.
Childcare (30 hours) Early implementation evaluation
The DfE has published an evaluation of 8 trials of the 30 hours early education entitlement and the early innovators programme.
Childcare (30 hours) Operational Guidance
The DfE has published an updated Operational Guidance on how local authorities (LAs) and early years settings should provide the early years entitlement.
Childminders (Registered)
Childcare Support on Site
A non-profit making Community Enterprise established in 1999, to supply childcare facilities along with the staff to support them.
Development Matters
Development Matters was produced by Early Education with support from the Department for Education. It is non-statutory guidance which supports all those working in early childhood education settings to implement the requirements of the Statutory Framework for the EYFS.
Differentiated Early Years Outcomes
This document was developed in response to practitioners’ desire to show progress and reflect the achievements of children with additional needs and disabilities within the Early Years Foundation Stage. The DEYO have been developed by representatives from Early Years Specialist Settings and the local authority Early Years Team.
Direct payments
A direct payment involves us giving you some money so that you can be independent and manage and arrange your own care.
Disabled Children's Social Work Team (DCT)
To identify the children/young people that the Disabled Children’s Team Social Workers will provide a specialist inservice.
EarlyBird programme (National Autistic Society)
EarlyBird (under five years) is a support programme for parents and carers, offering advice and guidance on strategies and approaches for living with young autistic children.
The programme aims to support parents in the period between diagnosis and school placement, empowering and helping them facilitate their child's social communication and appropriate behaviour in their natural environment.
The EarlyBird programme is delivered by two NAS licensed trainers who are speech & language and education advisory specialists.
How do I find out more?
Find out more by clicking the link here NAS EarlyBird
My child is 0-4 years, how do I enrol on the EarlyBird programme?
The EarlyBird programme is usually recommended to parents by health professionals such as paediatricians, health visitors or speech and language therapists and educational practitioners such as educational psychologists, advisory teachers and early years setting staff. Alternatively, if you feel you would benefit from the support the programme provides, you can also choose to refer in person..
To register your interest, please complete the quick application form below:
Early Years Foundation Stage
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 years old. All schools and Ofsted-registered early years providers must follow the EYFS, including childminders, preschools, nurseries and school reception classes.
Early Support Developmental Journals
Developmental Journals for Early Years and Early Support.
Educational Psychology Service
The principal aim of the The Educational Psychology Service (EPS) is to promote the well-being, personal development and education of children and young people by applying psychology.
Family and Childcare Trust
Our guide aims to set out what childcare and early support should be available locally in England. Our guide will provide you with your childcare options; offer tips on choosing the right childcare and guidance on what support your local authority (council), early years childcare and schools should – and in some cases must – offer you.
Help with paying for childcare; Eligibility check HM Government
Government help with childcare costs for parents.
Whether you have toddlers or teens, you could get support.
Inclusion and Support Service
The role of the Inclusion and Support Team combines Education and Social Care roles and functions to meet the requirements of the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) reforms.
Learning and Behaviour Advisory teams
The Learning and Behaviour Advisory Teams work with Children and young people aged 4 to 18, teaching assistants and school support workers, teachers, and senior leadership staff.
We offer learning assessments and advice, access arrangements, observations, advice and support for children and young people with SEND; challenging behaviours and/or emotional needs. We offer a wide variety of courses, CPD and conferences in the area of SEND and behaviour, along with in school group interventions to support settings in encouraging and improving learning behaviour.
Sensory Inclusion Service(SIS)
SIS supports young people with hearing and seeing difficulties. It also includes support and help for their families. The goal is to provide a wide range of assistance to ensure children have a good quality of life and are not excluded from the community.
Short Breaks
Short Breaks provide invaluable support for disabled children, young people and their families. Children are given opportunities to become more independent, have fun, enjoy new experiences and form friendships with their peers.
Talking 2s
The Government has set new criteria for free nursery places for 2-3 year olds from September 2014. However, here in Telford and Wrekin the new criteria apply from now! Your child has a current statement of SEN or an Education, Health and Care Plan and/or your child receives Disability Living Allowance (DLA).
Education Services
As part of this Local offer, schools have additional duties under the Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Disability Regulations 2014. Schools must publish more detailed information about their arrangements for identifying, assessing and making provision for pupils with SEN.
Below is a list of schools with completed offers.
Please contact your school if they are not on the list.
Telford & Wrekin "Find a School"
- Oakengates Nursery School & Children’s Centre - Contact: 01952 387910
Tiggy's Montessori Nursery - Contact: 01952 810021
Little Chicks, Shawbirch - Contact: 01952 248538
Madeley Nursery - Contact: 01952 388210
Woodentops Day Nursery - Contact: 01952 583711
Central Park Nursery - Contact: 01952 292092
Hadley Under 5's and Over 5's Nursery - Contact: 01952 402026
Aqueduct Little Learners - Contact: 01952 872636
- Little Dragons, St Georges - Contact: 01952 567756
Infant schools
Primary schools:
Special schools
Section 41 list of approved specialist providers
Section 41 of the Act allows the Secretary of State, by order, to publish a list of approved independent special institutions (Independent Special Schools – England and Wales and Special Post-16 institutions) for the purposes of satisfying Section 38 (Preparation of an Education, Health and Care plan by local authorities) of the Act. Institutions can only be included on the list with their consent.
Early education use and child outcomes up to age 3
A direct payment involves us giving you some money so that you can be independent and manage and arrange your own care.
Early Years SEND Support Team
Our Early Years SEND Support Team have significant teaching experience in Early Years learning environments, including identifying and teaching children with a range of additional needs.
Educational Psychology Service
The principal aim of the The Educational Psychology Service (EPS) is to promote the well-being, personal development and education of children and young people by applying psychology.
Good Practice in Early Education
Research examining good practice in early education as part of the study of early education and development (SEED).
Independent Support
Independent Support(IS) is a government funded programme to provide additional support to parent and young people during the implementation of the Children and Families Act 2014.
Independent Advice and Support Service (IASS)
Previously known as Parent Partnership Service (PPS). The IASS provides confidential and impartial information along with advice and support around Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. They also offer health and social care support. The service will help to increase confidence for people to participate in decisions, empowering parents and young people to take an active role in their child’s education.
Learning and Behaviour Advisory teams
The Learning and Behaviour Advisory Teams work with Children and young people aged 4 to 18, teaching assistants and school support workers, teachers, and senior leadership staff.
We offer learning assessments and advice, access arrangements, observations, advice and support for children and young people with SEND; challenging behaviours and/or emotional needs. We offer a wide variety of courses, CPD and conferences in the area of SEND and behaviour, along with in school group interventions to support settings in encouraging and improving learning behaviour. Please click on the following links for more information;
Behaviour Support Advisory Team (BSAT)
Report on the experiences of children with special educational needs and disability (SEND) in early years settings.
Portage is a service which helps meet the special educational needs of pre-school children whose development is delayed. It helps parents teach their children new skills at home under direction of the Portage Home Visitor.
Sensory Inclusion Service (SIS)
SIS supports young people with hearing and seeing difficulties. It also includes support and help for their families. The goal is to provide a wide range of assistance to ensure children have a good quality of life and are not excluded from the community.
SEN and disability in the early years: a toolkit
Council for Disabled Children and 4Children.
Autism Education Trust;
The AET early years programme offers training and resources for professionals working in various early years settings for children up to 5 years.
National Literacy Trust;
We work to improve the reading, writing, speaking and listening skills in the UK's poorest communities, where one in three people have literacy problems.
Workforce Development
Workforce Strategy
A The government's plans to help employers attract, retain and develop early years staff.
CPD - Nasen
On-line learning and webcasts for early years providers
Online training materials for autism; dyslexia; speech, language and communication; emotional, social and behavioural difficulties; moderate learning difficulties.
Foundation Years
The latest news, policy and resources for early years professionals
Health Services
The National Health Service (NHS) provides services that everyone can access, these are called universal services. It also provides other services that you are more likely to come across because your child needs extra help and support, these are called specialist services.
Child Development Centre
The Child Development Centres (CDCs) provide information and advice for parents and carers and developmental assessment and intervention for young children. The services are currently provided for children who are less than 5 years old and before they begin going to school. Families may be referred to the CDC when their child has been given a diagnosis which is likely to affect their long term development or when it is felt that their child’s development is not progressing as expected.
Children’s and Special Care Dentistry
Referral dental service for children and young adults with additional needs which include a physical, intellectual, medical, emotional, sensory, mental, psychological or social impairment or disability or a combination of these factors.
Children's Community Nursing
The Children's Community Nursing service provides nursing care to children aged 0 to 18 years who have an identified nursing need. We offer community visits to children, young people and their families across Telford and Wrekin.
Children's Community Physiotherapy
The Children's Community Physiotherapy team provides physiotherapy assessment, treatment and rehabilitation during/following; illness, surgery, disease, disability or injury. Children's Physiotherapy have a specific interest and expertise in working with children and young people who present with a wide range of conditions. The Physiotherapists work in a variety of different settings such as homes, clinics, Child Development Centres and schools (mainstream and special).
Designated Clinical Officer
Each Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) must provide a designated medical officer (DMO) or designated clinical officer (DCO). The DCO plays a key part in implementing the SEND reforms and in supporting joined up working between health services and local authorities.
Find your nearest doctors practice. Most referrals will need to start from your local GP NHS
Domiciliary service
For patients who are unable to attend the dental surgery due to medical and/or mobility difficulties.
Emotional Health and Wellbeing Service (Bee U)
In consultation with children and young people, the service has been named Bee U. Bee U consists of 4 organisations (The Children’s Society, Kooth, Healios and Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust) who deliver emotional health and wellbeing services across Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin.
Health A-Z Conditions and Treatments (NHS)
A very helpful A-Z of hundreds of conditions explained by the NHS
Health Visitors
The Health Visiting Service is a universal service with every child/family having access to a health visitor. Every family is provided with contact details of their health visitor's team base so they can contact them during normal working hours. The core business hours for accessing the health visiting service are Monday to Friday 09:00 to 16:00.
Health visitors are qualified nurses who have undertaken further training in all areas of child health and development and are skilled practitioners in public health.
The overall purpose is to achieve the best health and well being for children from birth to five years of age, by identifying health needs and promoting healthy lifestyles. This includes delivery of health and development reviews, health promotion and parenting guidance tailored to individual risks and protective factors.
The service is delivered in a variety of ways, through home visits, telephone advice, child health clinics, children's centre services and doctor's surgeries.
Contact your local Health Visitor Advice Line for advice or guidance on 0333 358 3328
For more information please visit the Health Visiting Service (NHS) website via the link below
Hearing Screen Programme
The Newborn Hearing Screening Programme aims to identify moderate, severe and profound deafness and hearing impairment in new born babies.
Occupational Therapy Service (OT)
Occupational therapy is the assessment and treatment of a range of difficulties and diagnoses using specific, purposeful activity.
Paediatric Psychology Service
When young people have serious physical health problems it can be very distressing for them and for everyone in the family. Our service offers a chance for young people and their families to talk about how this makes them feel, and where necessary suggest strategies or ways of dealing with things that can help them to cope better with their situation.
It provides a range of acute hospital services for people from Telford, Shropshire, mid Wales and further afield.
Speech and Language Therapy (SALT)
The Children's Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) Service in Shropshire provides assessment and treatment of speech, language, communication and/or swallowing difficulties for children and young people from 0-16 years of age (or to 19 years old in full time education).
Telford & Wrekin Clinical Commisioning Group (CCG)
Local health information
Study of Early Education and Development (SEED)
The Study of Early Education and Development (SEED) is a major longitudinal study following nearly 6,000 children from across England from age two through to the end of key stage one (age seven).
Leisure and Fun
Adapted Bikes
At Telford Cycle Centre we have the equipment and expertise to provide a range of all ability cycling sessions. Including a set of tricycles and a front loader bike.
For more information visit the Cycle experience website or call Cycle Experience on 0330 024 1783.
Pre-booking required.
Telford Cycle Centre, Visitor Centre, Telford Town Park, Telford, Shropshire, TF3 4EP
Airea51 - Trampoline Arena
Here at AIREA51 we are keen to work with the local community and Children with needs, we have dedicated 3 sessions a week to allow all children the opportunity to come and have a play at airea51, our sessions are on Monday Morning 10:00, Wednesday 18:30 and Sunday 09:00, we turn off all the lights and music and our specially trained staff with experience looking after Children with needs ensure the children have a memorable time at AIREA51.
Please click here to visit our website to book a session
Arts and Craft Workshops at Hoo Farm Animal Kingdom
"Rachels Arts and Crafts" is a local business providing creative workshops for parents and children and also small school groups.
From painting and sculpting, to candle dipping, sand art, make a bear, card making and much more. Children can learn new creative skills and produce something to take home at the end of the session.
Included in the price is admission to Hoo Farm itself where you can meet over 100 different species of animals, and make use of our snack shop and play areas. Hoo Farm is open from 10am - 5pm.
£20 per Child over 2 and Adult service users. (Includes half price admission to Hoo Farm for the day and 1 hour creative workshop)
£15 per child under 2. (Free entry to Hoo Farm and 1 hour creative workshop)
Carers are free as long as they have identification stating that they are.
For groups of 8 or more there is a 10% discount.
Child and Family Locality Service (CAFLS) Group Activities
Group activities hosted by Child and Family Locality Services.
Charlotte's Tandems
Our borrowers are both children and adults. Tandems are a fun and safe way to get out and about as friends, a couple, family or group. They are available for hire for a couple of months at a time. We now have about nearly a hundred tandems and about a dozen tag-alongs all over the UK. They are with Borrowers for the vast majority of the time but looked after by the Volunteer Helpers listed below. If you would like to borrow one then please use the Contact tab above and Alex will put you in touch with the appropriate Helper. The disabilities and special needs of our borrowers have so far included: Severe Learning Difficulties, Autism, Aspergers, Blindness, Visual Impairment, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Stroke, Amputation, Hearing Loss, Dyspraxia, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Parkinson's, MS, ME, CRPS, COPD, Hemiplasia, Tuberous Sclerosis, CHARGE & MPS III.
The Cineworld™ and Odeon™ cinemas provide a range of different services for the disabled they include help for people with sensory and mobility problems. They also cater for autistic children with autistic viewing screens.
Cycle Experience
Cycle Experience are thrilled to be able to offer a wide range of cycle training activities out of the Telford Cycle Centre, situated in the heart of Telford Town Park. They also provide guided cycling and even training.
Disabled Children and Young People record
The record is one of the ways that we can get important information to people who need it. The record helps gather information to help us plan services for the future. The record is a database of information about the disabled child or young person and their families in Telford and Wrekin.
Disabled swimming
Disabled Swimming sessions with the Wrekin Special Swimming Club.
At Hartbeeps we put your child at the heart of our magical, musical adventures. We offer original and super fun, developmental baby classes, toddler classes and pre-school classes, as well as educational sessions, pregnancy classes, stay & play with baby discos, and fabulous children's parties.
HLC hydrotherapy
You can access the Hydrotherapy pool at Hadley Learning Circle on a weekend.
Inclusive swimming lessons
All four pool sites within Telford & Wrekin (Wellington, Abraham Darby, Oakengates and Newport Pool) provide separate Junior and adult disability learn to swim sessions and these have been developed to bridge the gap between 1-1 lessons and mainstream classes. Fully qualified ASA swimming teachers at these sites deliver the disability lessons with enhanced knowledge of disabilities and cater for all abilities from beginner and upward, the emphasis is on learning through fun based sessions following the ASA Alpha Awards with a goal of working towards accessing mainstream swimming classes.
For more information contact one of the Swim4Life co-ordinators below based on your preferred site. The co-ordinators will then be able to determine the best way forward with the disability sessions.
Abraham Darby Sports & Leisure Centre
Email Jenny Childs: [email protected]
Telephone: 01952 382770
Wellington Civic & Leisure Centre
Email Ruth Giblin: [email protected]
Telephone: 01952 382720
Oakengates Leisure Centre
Email Gaynor Havard: [email protected] or Tracey Jones: [email protected]
Telephone: 01952 382810
Newport Swimming Pool
Email: Sebastian Smith [email protected]
Telephone: 01952 382740
Children of all ages with special needs can visit for free. It is available the first Monday of each month and adults can also enter for free. Admission times are from 6pm - 8pm and last admissions are at 6.30pm.
Over The Wall
Over The Wall is a national UK children’s charity and a member of the international SeriousFun Children’s Network. We provide free of charge Therapeutic Recreation camps to help children with life-limiting illnesses and their families, reach beyond the perceived limitations of illness to rediscover a whole new world of possibilities. Through participation in a proven programme of fun-filled recreational and educational activities, our camps help promote inclusion whilst developing the confidence, self-esteem, coping strategies and peer relationships of all our campers.
Pirates and Princesses
We are a family run business who are based in Telford, Shropshire. We have created an indoor soft play and Sensory area for children and their families to enjoy. The main play area is full of fun activities, this accommodates children up to the age of 12, our enchanted babies and toddler’s area accommodates children under the age of 2, there is easy access for our less able guests to enjoy this section also.
Sensory Room activities at the Chase Leisure Centre
Multisensory Room
Whether it is relaxing on the heated waterbed or interlacing with many activities on offer. Our state of the art multisensory room is available all year round (excluding bank holidays) and is suitable for all ages and abilities
For more information contact Debbie Pearce on:
Telephone - 01543 501520Email - [email protected]
Soft Play
Our Sensory soft play area is also available for private hire
For more information contact Debbie Pearce on:
Telephone - 01543 501520
Email - [email protected]
Soft Play Parties
Our all new, state of the art, soft play equipment is suitable for children 8 years of age and below. These parties include a slide, ball pool, infinity light den and much more.
For more information contact Chase Leisure Centre on:
Telephone - 01543 504065
Email - [email protected]
Website - www.wlct.org/cannock
Shining Stars Group - Child and Family Locality Services
A group with a range of play activities for children 0 - 5 years of age who have an additional need. Eligible for families prior, during or after diagnosis. Children must be supervised, two children per one adult. Siblings without an additional need are also welcome to attend.
Telford Leisure Services
More and more people are realising the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Feeling fit and healthy is a key element of physical and mental wellbeing and exercise is a great way to look after your body and a perfect way to relax.
Telford Library Services
Telford Library offers a vast range of services to the disabled. Services included are audio books for people that are hard of hearing and big text books for people with sensory problems.
Telford Summer Cycling
Travel Telford have an exciting programme of cycling activities for children and adults of all ages and abilities. The activities offer people the opportunity to take part in a range of cycling skills, games and competitions, make new friends and have fun whilst riding their bikes!
Tots on Ice
Tots on Ice is a skating time for children under 5. Adults can enter for free and spend time skating with their children.
Town Park
Our new inclusive play area was completed in March 2013. The new play area has been designed with disabled children and young people in mind and provides equipment for all abilities within an open park setting.