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Workshop for young people with SEND and their parents

Date: 5th March 2020

Location: Telford International Centre, St. Quentin Gate

Time: 10:00 - 11:30

We want your views about post 16 education provision in Telford & Wrekin

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Are you a young person with SEND (or their parent) who lives in Telford who is already at a post 16 setting (for example a college) or are you about to leave school to go to a post 16 setting? We would like to hear your views about what is currently being offered in Telford. Specifically

  • Is there enough choice?
  • Are you able to find courses that interest you?
  • Is information easy to find?
  • If you think it could be better what would you want to see?

This workshop will be run by Telford and Wrekin Council and is the beginning of a conversation with young people and their parents about what is currently provided, what works well and whether you think any improvements could be made.

Limited spaces are available
Please book via the link below:
*Please book a ticket for each person attending the event’

Cost: Free