SEND provision in Secondary Schools

Information for parents and young people regarding SEND provision in our secondary schools.
Here you will find details on how each secondary school in Telford & Wrekin supports young people with Special Educational Needs.
Information is included for maintained schools and academies.
Below you will find links to:
- School Website
- SEN Information Report
- SEND Policies
- Virtual Open Events
- School contacts
For more information about how to apply for a school place please visit School Admissions.
Information about School Admissions:
Burton Borough School
Year 6 to 7 Transition – Academic Year 2020-21 for SEND Students
Contact Phone Number: 01952 386500
Charlton Secondary School
Charlton Secondary School Website
Contact Email: [email protected]
Contact Phone Number: 01952 386800
Ercall Wood Academy
Virtual Open Evening – coming soon
Contact Email: [email protected]
Contact Phone Number: 01952 387300
Hadley Learning Community
Hadley Learning Community Secondary Website
Contact Email: [email protected]
Contact Phone Number: 01952 387006
Holy Trinity Academy
The Telford Langley School
Telford Langley School Website
To book a Year 6 tour complete the booking form.
Contact Email: complete contact form
Contact Phone Number: 01952 386700
The Telford Park School
To book a Year 6 tour please complete the booking form.
Contact Email: [email protected]
Contact Phone Number: 01952 387400
The Telford Priory School
At Telford Priory School, we believe all children with SEND should have the opportunity to experience success in their learning at the highest possible level, within a fully inclusive, caring environment.
We have an extensive pastoral team who work with our students so they can lead fulfilling and balanced lives at school and beyond. Staff model how to look after themselves and others; encouraging them to seek help, support or advice whenever it is needed.
Our behaviour policy is flexible and carefully applied to accommodate the needs of all our students to ensure effective teaching can take place to maximise personal success.
All our staff are trained in the principles of quality first teaching in order for inclusion to be successful. This is complimented by bespoke and targeted intervention where necessary to remove learning barriers, whether these are academic or more wider in terms of social, emotional and mental health. Outside professionals are also involved in training our staff and most recently have engaged in bespoke professional development focusing on specific learning difficulties, including dyslexia.
We are a fully inclusive school and strive to ensure all students achieve their potential personally, socially, emotionally and academically in all areas of our ambitious curriculum.
Please read our SEND Information Report in conjunction with our SEND Policy which provides a complete overview of the Special Educational Needs and Disability provision at Telford Priory School and includes details of:
- Our SEND vision
- Our definition of Special Educational Needs and the four categories of Need
- How we manage our inclusive teaching approach for students with SEND
- Admission arrangements for students with SEND
- How we implement and measure impact of our structured intervention programs
- Our multi agency approach to supporting students and their families with SEND
Contact Email: [email protected]
Contact Phone Number: 01952 386400
Haberdashers' Adams
Contact Email: [email protected]
Contact Phone Number: 01952 953810
Newport Girls High School
A safe place for SEND
At Newport Girls’ High School we believe that all children with SEND should be supported to achieve their very best at school.
We have an excellent pastoral team who work hard to ensure that students wellbeing is catered for and students are able to feel well supported at school.
Our behaviour policy is designed to meet the needs of each individual student.
Young people will have access to a full and enriching curriculum and a range of extra curricula opportunities.
NGHS is one of the country’s leading girls’ grammar schools. We welcome girls from the town of Newport as well as further afield from Telford, Stafford, Shrewsbury and Wolverhampton.
Contact Name: Mr M.J Scott
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01952 797550
Madeley Academy
Video for Year 7 Admissions September 2021 is available to view on the home page.
Contact Email: [email protected]
Contact Phone Number: 01952 527700
Haberdashers's Abraham Darby
Legislation and Guidance
This SEND School Offer has been formulated to comply with the following regulations:
- Section 69(2) of the Children and Families Act 2014
- Paragraph 3 of schedule 10 to the Equality Act 2010
( (Accessibility plan)
- Regulation 51
- Schedule 1 of the Special Education Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 where appropriate
- Section 6 of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years (2015)
How does Haberdashers’ Abraham Darby know if pupils need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have Special Educational Needs (SEN)?
- All students’ progress and attainment levels are reviewed by their subject teachers at the end of each term.
- This data is then reviewed by the Vice Principal, Head of House, SENCo who determine which students require extra help.
- Teachers are also able to highlight pupils who may need extra support using Haberdashers’ Abraham Darby’s SEND Referral system.
- If a student appears to have SEN, they may be assessed by a Learning Support Advisory Teacher or Educational Psychologist.
- When students transfer to Haberdashers’ Abraham Darby from primary school, information about their attainment levels and any learning difficulties they have is made available to the SENCo through transfer files and meetings with the primary SENCo and Haberdashers’ Abraham Darby’s SENCO/Y6 Transition Manager.
- All Year 7 students undergo baseline testing in literacy and numeracy during the Year 6 Transition Days in July and during the first half of Autumn Term. The results, along with Key Stage 2 data, are used to place them in the appropriate ability groups.
- If you think your child may have SEN, please contact the Academy’s SENCo (see contact details overleaf).
How will Abraham Darby’s staff support my child?
- Your child will experience high quality, differentiated Quality First Teaching to ensure their learning needs are met.
- All students will be formatively assessed throughout the academic year to track on-going progress; at the end of each Term all students will be formally summatively assessed to determine target- related progress.
- They may receive targeted support from Teaching Assistants in some of their lessons.
- If your child is having difficulties in the areas of literacy or numeracy, they may receive additional help or intervention.
- Where appropriate, students will be assessed to determine if they require Access Arrangements for both internal and external examinations.
- Some students may be able to use Information Technology to support their learning needs.
How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
- The curriculum will be matched to your child’s needs through high quality, differentiated teaching.
- Where necessary, resources and activities will be modified to meet the needs of individual pupils.
- Your child will be placed in appropriate teaching groups, with pupils of similar ability.
- Read-Write! Recovery programme is available to students who have additional literacy needs; Passport Maths and Numicon Maths’ programmes are available to students who have additional numeracy needs.
- If your child has literacy or maths difficulties, they may also receive extra lessons in this area.
- The Academy also makes ‘reasonable adjustments’ to the curriculum for pupils with specific needs, which may include the opportunity to complete homework during lesson time, a modified time-table or access alternative provision within school.
- Where necessary, there may be adjustments made to individual timetables for 1 to 1 pre-tutoring or revisiting learning.
How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?
- You will be kept informed about how your child is doing through termly progress reports, parents’ evenings, review meetings and communication, and via letter, phone call, text or e-mail.
- The SENCo and your child’s teachers will be able to suggest how you could support their learning at home.
- Additional teaching, learning and homework advice is available on Haberdashers’ Abraham Darby’s website, which students and parents have a log-in for.
What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?
- Your child will be allocated a Mentor with whom they will meet with on a daily basis.
- Haberdashers’ Abraham Darby’s programme of Personal, Social and Health Education is delivered during Mentor time.
- The House Team will oversee your child’s overall well-being and the Head of House/Deputy Head of House and their Mentor will be the main points of contact.
- If your child has difficulties with anxiety, they are likely to receive support from Abraham Darby’s Intervention Team.
- Your child may also receive support for their overall well-being from Teaching Assistants, who are deployed to work with specific pupils and teaching groups.
- Haberdashers’ Abraham Darby provides access to the opportunity for appointments with professionals. The visiting RGN Nurse is available weekly by drop-in/appointment.
- The Academy offers a full time Health Care Coordinator Level 3 First Aid/Social and Emotional Counselling and dental checks.
- The Academy is able to screen for colour blindness/visual needs.
- Other activities for vulnerable students include a diverse and enriching range of accessible extra-curricular opportunities.
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by Abraham Darby?
- When necessary, Haberdashers’ Abraham Darby will access specialist support through external agencies.
- This may enable pupils to benefit from the expertise of Learning Support Advisory Teachers, Educational Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, Behaviour Support Teachers, Inclusion Mentors, Speech and Language Therapists or Teachers of the Deaf / Visually Impaired.
What training are the staff supporting children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) had or are having?
- The SENCo is Level 7 Qualified for The Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing (CCET) and can understand how assessments using psychometric tests are developed, how to use them effectively, and how to interpret the results to facilitate your child’s education.
- SENCo is also British Psychological Society (BPS) Registered and is a registered BPS Test User for the awarding of External Access Arrangements where necessary.
- Learning Support Staff are trained and able to screen for dyslexia.
- Those who support students with Hearing or Visual Impairments will have attended courses provided by the Sensory Inclusion Service which focus on how to meet the child’s needs.
- Other areas where Teaching Assistants have received training to support students include synthetic phonics, handwriting, Mindfulness, behaviour management and how to administer an EpiPen.
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?
- When organising activities outside the classroom and school trips, it is the responsibility of the member of staff leading the activity to ensure that an appropriate level of support and supervision is in place.
- This would include making arrangements for Teaching Assistants or other members of staff to support students with SEND and carrying out a Risk Assessment for the activity.
- Haberdashers’ Abraham Darby will work closely with parents/carers to ensure that students with any additional needs are fully included in activities inside and outside the classroom.
How accessible is Haberdashers’ Abraham Darby’s building environment?
- The building complies with the standards and regulations outlined in the Disability Discrimination Act 1995.
- The Accessibility Policy is available on Haberdashers’ Abraham Darby’s website.
- The building is accessible to children with SEND, including lifts, disabled toilets and bathroom facilities.
How will Haberdashers’ Abraham Darby prepare and support my child to join the school or transfer to the next stage of education and life?
- Prior to joining Abraham Darby, Year 6 pupils attend two induction days to support the transition from Primary to Secondary School.
- In addition, children with SEND are invited to make extra visits to the Academy to familiarise themselves with the building and the staff they will be working with.
- All Year 6 students are given the opportunity to attend the Academy’s Summer School during August, which supports the transition from Primary to Secondary School.
- In Year 10, all students are offered participation in Work Experience days.
- The Academy works closely with Future Focus to support the transition of students with an EHCP into post-16 education, Higher Education, training courses or the workplace.
- To support the transition into post-16 education, the Academy liaises with various providers to arrange visits and taster days.
- Pupils with SEND receive additional support in this area and transition plans are used to ensure that the providers of post-16 education are fully aware of the young person’s needs.
- There is a dedicated team of Careers’ Advisers who can support the Post 16 and Post 18 transition choices and offer guidance in these areas.
How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?
- The type and level of support your child will receive is based on their level of need and any difficulties they may have.
- A ‘graduated response’ recognises that all children learn in different ways and can have different types and levels of SEND.
- A personalised Student Profile is updated each term as a minimum and with immediacy if circumstances change.
- By adopting a step by step approach to meeting the needs of children with SEND, the Academy is able to access support and expertise to address the difficulties a child may be experiencing.
- The progress of all students is monitored closely and additional support is put in place for those who are not making the expected level of progress.
- The SEND Register is reviewed and updated on a termly basis to ensure it reflects the pupils who require additional support or intervention.
- Decisions are made in consultation with the parent/carer.
How are children with SEND consulted about their education?
- Students with SEND are provided with opportunities to give their views about the education they are receiving.
- This is achieved through students completing questionnaires and speaking informally to the staff who work with them.
- The students’ views are recorded and used to improve the education they are receiving.
- Students with SEND are made aware of how they will be supported through cycles of Graduated Response.
- All students are welcome to come to the Learning Support Base where they can be supported with any area of their SEN, medical or emotional well-being during the school day.
How are parents involved at Haberdashers’ Abraham Darby?
- Parents/carers are involved in supporting their child’s progress by communicating with Academy staff on a regular basis and helping them to meet expectations in relation to behaviour, dress, attendance, punctuality and homework.
- If you have concerns about the progress your child is making and you think they may have SEND, please contact the Academy’s SENCo.
Who can I contact for further information or if I have concerns about the support my child is receiving?
- Please contact Lynne Mettem, SENCo, by email: [email protected] or by telephone 01952 386000, for further information about how the needs of children with SEND are met.
- Information about the SEND Local Offer for Telford & Wrekin can be found at:
Named Responsibility of SEND School Offer |
Lynne Mettem |
Reviewed and Amended |
June 2020 |
Date of SEND School Offer |
June 2020 |
How to contact us:
SEND 0-25
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01952 381045
SEND Local Offer
Locality Teams by School
School Admissions
Email: [email protected]
School Admissions