SEND Parent Carer Top Tips
On this page you will find some Top Tips for parent carers across different areas of SEND.
Developing Memory Skills
In order to be able to learn times tables, spellings and be able to recall a sentence they want to write, children need to have a good auditory sequential memory. This is when they can recall what they have heard in the correct order.
Here are some games that you can play with your child to support the development of their memory skills. They can be played in odd moments, such as when you are travelling in the car together or walking to school.
- I went to the supermarket — parent carer says to the child sentences of increasing length and complexity and the child has to repeat these back verbatim (e.g. “I went to the supermarket and bought three tins of beans, one loaf of bread, a carton of milk, a packet of sweets, two bars of chocolate....” etc.)
- Find the changed (or missing) word — parent carer says a sequence of words to the child (e.g. dog, cat, fish, monkey, spider) and then repeats it changing one (or missing one out altogether), either slightly or more obviously (e.g. dog, cat, fox, monkey, spider) and the child has to identify the change.
- What’s their job? — parent carer says to the child a list of name-occupation associations (e.g. “Mr. Pearce the painter, Mr Smith, the hairdresser, Mrs. Brown the electrician”) and then asks for recall of one (e.g. “Who was the grocer?” or “What is Mrs. Brown’s job?”).
CustomEyes Books for Visual Impairment
Parents can buy bespoke books of their choice, at the same price as the cover price through CustomEyes, with options for font size and style, paper colour and layout. From Dr Seuss to The Hunger Games and Harry Potter to Shakespeare, they're sure to have something for you or your child.
To find out more information visit CustomEyes Books | Guide Dogs
CEA Card
Did you know that you may be entitled to apply for a CEA card.
What is it? The card enables a disabled cinema guest to receive a complimentary ticket for someone to go with them when they visit a participating cinema.
Where can I use it? It is accepted at 90% of cinemas.
Is there a charge for this? There is a £6 charge.
How long is the card valid? It is valid for 1 year.
To find out more information visit CEA Card
Sensory Play
Research has shown that sensory play, using smell, taste, touch, sight and hearing, are all important for developing nerve connections in the brain. Engaging in sensory rich experiences enhances children’s thinking and learning capabilities.
Try this at home: Provide trays of different resources, cardboard tubes, rice/pasta, stones, twigs and gloop to develop play, conversations, new words, and different imaginative scenarios. Have fun!
To find out more information visit Childhood101
Developing Gross Motor Skills (0 - 5)
Gross motor skills provide the foundation for developing healthy bodies and social and emotional wellbeing. Recommended guidance suggests that children over one should engage in physically active play for a minimum of 3 hours per day. This can include:
- Tummy time (for under 1’s)
- Object/block play.
- Visiting the park/soft play
- Dancing
To find out more download Useful Tips Gross Motor Skills
Sleep and Emotional Health
There's a close relationship between sleep and mental health. Living with a mental health problem can affect how well you sleep. And poor sleep can have a negative impact on your mental health. Here are some quick tips on sleep:
- Make your bedroom a calm space - Make sure the light, tempertaure and sound level suits you. Cool, dark and quiet usually works.
- Turn off electrical screens - TVs, computers and phones all stimulate your brain, making it hard to relax.
- Try a breathing technique - In a comfortable position, breate in deeply, then breathe out slowly. Try to make your out-breath longer than your in-breath. Reprst until you feel relaxed
- Notice what you eat and drink.
- Try to do some exercise - This will improve your sleep, as long as it's not too late in the evening.
- Keep a sleep diary - This may help you spot patterns and give you an insight into what might be causing problems.
To find out more information visit Mind