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You Said, We Did

As part of Telford and Wrekin's Local Offer we need to publish our comments and feedback that we receive.

Below you will find comments that you said and a response to what we did:


Local Offer

You Said We Did

"The Local Offer is not up to date and information can't be replied upon"

The Local Offer is currently being reviewed and developed with input from the SEND Team, other relevant professionals and alongside our Working Together for Parent Partcipation group (WTPP). This work is focused on ensuring the information provided is accurate, comprehensive, and reflective of the local community's current needs.

"I dont know what health services are avaliable for my child"

The Health page has been thoroughly reviewed and updated by health professionals. To make it easier for parents to access information, services are now categorised into specialist and universal. Additionally, ongoing work with health professionals and local health services aims to expand the page with more details about available services and reasonable adjustments. Please get in touch and share your thoughts Feedback form - SEND - Local offer.

"It can be hard to find information on preparing for adulthood"

The Preparing for Adulthood page has undergone a complete refresh in collaboration with the Preparing for Adulthood team and shared with our parent carer representatives for feedback. It now features updated content, including new pages on living independently and leisure and social activities. Please get in touch and share your thoughts Feedback form - SEND - Local offer

"Parent Carers were concerned they didnt understand the FAQs around Transport"

An updated FAQs guide was created to guide parent carers through the process of applying for travel assitance. Coproduction work on the Local Offer and council website with key stakeholders streamlined the guidance and is now shared on one accessible and up to date website. Travel Assistance workshops have also been arranged in April 2025 for parent carers to recieve support and guidance. 


Local Offer

You Said We Did

"It can be hard to navigate the Local Offer."

New to SEND and SEND News area is under construction. 
Glossary of Terms is being developed to support direct links into the Local Offer and other relevant websites. 
As part of our review and development, the navigation bar has been made more accessible and ongoing work in 2025 will see a uniformity across all pages.

"Collate newsletters to share on the Local Offer in one place."

All newsletters are now in SEND News on the Local Offer.

"Can you make it easier to find out where we can get support."

Parent Carer Zone on Local Offer being developed in coproduction with parent carer groups.
SEND Team contact page updated.

"Create more regular family newsletters."

We now create half termly Family and seperate SENCO newsletters.

"There are too many acronyms and jargon used in the world of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities."

Updated Glossary of Terms, with links direct into content on the SEND Local offer. 

Working Together Parent Participation

You Said We Did

"Can future parent carer summits consider evening times."

We completed evening session on Health services​. 
Workshop recordings for further queries will be aviable on the Local Offer in 2025.

Workshop development​​

Video workshops for a range of requested queries are being built into SEND and AP action plan, and will be published in 2025 on the Local Offer.

"We have learnt more about different parent groups from the summit, how can we share the information wider?"

Market place events are held with our Parent Carer Forums. 
Inform parent carers who our key parent groups are as part of the Parent Carer Communication group. 
Parent Carer group leads to be more involved with Parent Carer communications group, developing sections in the SEND Family newsletter and the Parent Carer Zone on Local Offer.

"What are the next steps were for the Parent Carer meetings?"

Annual Parent Carer Summit review - November
Working with Parent Carer groups at the annual sumit exploring next steps for the group.
​1. How to best deliver information to you; moving to monthly calendared meetings, for updates from Education, Health and social care.
2. Workshop videos will be uploaded to the Local Offer Spring term 2025.
3. Coproduction work on refresh and development of the local offer and SEND Family newsletter.

"What is SEND Governance and all of the different groups?"

June's parent summit focused on describing current arrangements that were in place for parents and carers.

"There is not enough time to respond to the POD's parent carer survey."

We arranged an extension to the survey to ensure a collective response.

Preparing for Adulthood (PfA)

You Said We Did

"The Local Offer doesn't hold enough information on it for 'Preparing for Adulthood'."

A Local offer development and update is in place. PFA review of Local offer is ongoing. Additional pages and information will be created and reviewed to demonstrate what was available.

"There is no suitable local provision for our children when they go into Post 16."

We expanded our Full-time Post 16 offer locally, opening a Derwen Satellite site, Really NEET and increasing the Supported Internship offer. This is reviewed annually to ensure the right provision is in place for our Post 16 learners.

"Post 16 communications needs improving."

We have recommended Post 16 providers issue monthly communication via email and face to face meetings. We have engaged with post 16 providers as part of a SENCO network meetings.

Travel Assistance

You Said We Did

"Making an application to transport is too hard and we have to repeat information."

The implementation of a new travel assistance system where applications can be made and information not repeated. Feedback sessions with developers on what would be required. Training sessions so parents knew how to access the system. Amendments made to questions and FAQ's where parents did not understand the language.

"Travel assistance workshops in 2023 were only during the day."

PODs facilitated this year and ran twilight sessions.
Travel assistance workshops are now offered annually and dates will be advertised in advance. A video guide will also be avaliable on the Local Offer to support travel assistance applications.

"What types of travel assistance are provided?"

In 2023 we arranged a meeting where the travel assistance teams are based so parent carers were able to see "behind the scences" to the travel assitance team. We have been working with POD's parent carer forum to publish FAQs based on questions asked by parent carer forum.


You Said We Did
"What is a Moving Forward Meeting?"

We have created a new information page regarding Moving Forward Meetings.

Please click here for more information

Updated SEND Strategy

We are pleased to announce that a new draft Strategy has been developed, following the consultation we will be collating all the feedback that has been provided.

Working together for better SEND and AP outcomes in Telford and Wrekin 2023-2028 has been developed using feedback from parents, carers, young people and professionals across health, social care, education support services, early years settings, schools and post 16 providers.

Click here for more information

"More involvement in decisions regarding SEND services in Telford" Parent/Carer 

Telford & Wrekin Local Partnership

In Telford & Wrekin the local partnership is committed to co-produce services with families for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities at every stage.

The SEND Working Together Charter has been developed by Parents, Carers, Children, Young People, Telford & Wrekin Council, Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin NHS and partners.

Click here for more information


You Said We Did Date
"I'm new to the area and my child has additional needs, what do i do?" A new webpage has been created titled "Moving into Telford & Wrekin" and provides information on what parents/cares can do when moving into the area if your child has additional needs or has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) 30/08/2022
Specialist Provision Hubs - Many requests regarding additional support

Recommendations to develop specialist provision hubs in mainstream schools that cater for children with communication and interaction needs, including those with Autism and associated cognition and learning difficulties have been approved by cabinet. These Hubs have proved to be successful with both schools, parents, families and young people. 

A specialist hub is an adapted classroom situated within a mainstream school. Hubs provide an opportunity for children identified as having more complex SEND to be included and educated alongside their peers in a mainstream setting, enabling them to join in with mainstream activities.

These hubs are aimed at those children with complex interaction and communication needs, including Autism and associated cognition and learning difficulties. Children will not require a diagnosis of a condition (for example Autism or ADHD to qualify for entry). Where criteria for entry into hub provision is met, discussions will take place with parents/carers about which school placement would be best. This will take account of distance from home, the needs of the other children in attendance and available place numbers at the preferred setting . All children will need an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan in order to attend the hubs.

For more information please click here

Local Offer Refresh -
"Would be great to have a section specifically for young people"
In collaboration with the Shout Out for SEND (SOS) group, we have created a section on the Local Offer called "SEND Local Offer for Young People"  In this section you can find information that has been curated for young people. We currently have Informative pages regarding health, activities during free time, money management, further education and more. The SEND Local Offer for Young People is an ongoing collaberative effort, with more content due to be added over the coming months. 12/07/2022
Local Offer Refresh -
(Following on from below)
Dedicated buttons have also been created for Health and Mental Health & Wellbeing services within Telford and Wrekin 01/07/2022

Local Offer Refresh - 
"A lot of information seems to be repeated between pages"

Early Years, Education and PfA buttons have been created for the homepage. These buttons link to dedicated information pages for each phase of education. Previously we had dedicated pages for four age ranges between 0-25. The list consisted of Education, Health and Social Care information that was pretty much duplicated between the four age ranges and quite laborious to scroll through. By creating specific categories that sit behind Early Years, Education and PfA (e.g starting an early years setting) we hope that parents/carers can find relevant and specific information with less clicks and less fuss. 15/06/2022
Local Offer Refresh - SENCo Space
A request from our SENCo's
A dedicated page has been created for our SENCo's in Telford and Wrekin. Here you will find information regarding sen support, Annual Review paperwork, SENCo network meetings, Inclusive Schools Forum and much more. 06/05/2022
Local Offer Refresh - "Less information listed on the left hand side" (navigation bar) "More information via videos. "Information needs to be easier to find from the homescreen" We have refreshed the look of the Local Offer. The homepage has been simplified by removing half of the information on the navigation bar, and instead added the most visited and relevant pages as homepage buttons. An introduction video has also been added to the homepage. 02/05/2022
Parent/Carer "I'm looking for some help with getting my child started at an early years setting"

You may wish your child to attend an early years setting, but you may be feeling worried about how they will manage. To support parents/carers with what can be a very stressful time as a parent, we have created a guidance and support page which can be found via the link below:



You Said We Did Date
Parent/Carer - "Is there one place to find activities for my child to access that can also meet there SEND needs?" An Activities and Events page has been created. The Activities & Events page is a quick and easy place for families to see what is going on in their community. The current categories:
  • performing arts and dance
  • sports
  • family groups
  • clubs & hobbies
  • soft play
  • events and trips
  • places to visit

You can view the Activites & Events page via the link below:

Parent/Carer - "There isn't any clear information to help my child transition to adulthood"

A Post 16 transition page titled "Preparing for Adulthood" has been created to help young people with their transition to adult services.
You can view the Preparing for Adulthood page via the link below:


Local Offer consultation and engagementWrekin giant smallest

For any queries about the You Said, We Did page please contact the Local Offer on:
Email: [email protected]



Do you have a question?

If there is anything you would like to ask us, about our services, our work or how we can help you, then click the button below.