SEND Fair Share Fund for Mainstream Schools

‘Fairer share’ of children with SEND across our mainstream schools is a local priority area for action. Fairer share would assume that the distribution of pupils with SEND across schools is proportionate to the same proxy indictors that are used to generate the notional budget for SEND however data, shared with the school community, shows that some settings have disproportionately high numbers of pupils with SEND. Those schools can report financial difficulties, given the support costs required are substantially higher than their allocated notional SEN budget. Longer term, work on creating a fairer share of pupils will create more balance in pupil numbers across schools but based on the current profile there is a need to release additional high need funding for SEND to those mainstream schools with disproportionate numbers.
The SEND Fairer Share Fund for Mainstream Schools 25/26 has an allocated budget of £275K. This has increased in recent years and represents the ambition that mainstream schools are enabled and have the resilience to support increasing complexity of children’s needs. The fund is split into two parts; Part A is determined through a formula and Part B is through a request process. To qualify for Part B you must have received funding from Part A, unless exceptional circumstances apply.
Funding is allocated in two tranches. Schools who qualify for PART A support in the summer term will be notified by 31st July. Schools that qualify for support in the autumn and spring term will be notified by 30th September.
Applications for PART B funding should be made as soon as possible and preferably before 30th June.
The SEND Fairer Share Fund for Mainstream Schools will be reviewed on at least an annual basis and its renewal into future financial years will be dependent on the availability of budget within the high need block. Criteria is subject to change at any point.
For more information about Fairer Share Funding please email: