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Bursary Information 16-19 Year Olds

Financial support for 16 to 19 year olds, is available via the 16 to 19 Bursary Fund to help students with education-related costs and support their participation in Post 16 education or training.

You could qualify for a bursary if you study at a publically funded school or college.

If you are over 19 you could get a bursary if you are continuing a course you started before you turned 19 or have an EHCP.

To find out more about the 16 – 19 bursary fund visit: 16 to 19 Bursary Fund: Overview - GOV.UK (

Students who are aged under 19 on 31/8/2022, who attend an independent provision and meet the criteria (and have a financial need) may be eligible for a vulnerable groups bursary from Telford & Wrekin Council which they can apply for via their education provider.

Students who attend a mainstream college or training provider should contact their education provision directly for more information. If you have any questions regarding available bursaries please speak to your educational provision.

Those students who are defined as being in a vulnerable group are:

  • In care;
  • Care leavers;
  • Receiving Income Support or Universal Credit because they are either supporting themselves or supporting themselves and someone who is financially dependent on them;
  • Receiving Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence payments in their own right as well as Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit in their own right.

The bursary can pay a maximum of £1,200 per year for students on a 30 hour per week study programme; where the programme is less than 30 hours per week students will be paid a pro-rata amount.

The educational provision must obtain proof that students meet the criteria for the bursary for vulnerable groups in full. You will be asked to complete a bursary application form (link below) and provide relevant evidence to your educational provision.

Download the bursary application form here