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Moving Forward Meeting

What is a Moving Forward Meeting?

There are three scenarios within the 20 week timeline where you may be invited to a moving forward meeting.

  1. At week 6 where the Local Authority has not agreed to an Education Health and Care needs assessment.
  2. Between week 12 and 16 where the Local Authority has said No to issuing an Education Health and Care plan (after the assessment has occurred).
  3. Between week 12 and 16 where the Local Authority has agreed to issue an Education Health and Care plan.

You will only need to attend a moving forward meeting on one of these occasions, unless the local authority changes a decision.

If the Local Authority does not agree to an EHC assessment or does not issue an EHC plan following an assessment, the Moving Forward Meeting will be an opportunity for you to discuss the decision with your SEND Officer and your child or young person’s education setting. At this meeting the local authority will work with you to agree actions with your child’s setting, this will be recorded in a Moving Forward Agreement, so that you understand the support that will be put in place.

If the local authority does agree to issue an Education Health and Care plan the Moving Forward Meeting will provide an opportunity for you to co-produce your child or young person’s plan. The meeting will be led by the SEND Officer. It will generally be held at the child’s educational setting or virtually on Microsoft Teams. The professionals who were part of the assessment may be in attendance to provide additional advice and support. There will be opportunities for you to ask questions, clarify anything you are not sure about and help shape what is written in the plan.

Download: Education Health and Care Needs Assessment – 20 Week Timeline