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Specialist Services

On this page you will find information about specialist health services avaliable to children and young people with SEND

Neurodevelopment Diagnostic Services

Children aged 0-5s should be referred to the Child Development Centre for Autism diagnostic services.

BeeU provides Autism and ADHD diagnostic assessments for Children (aged 5-18) in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin.

Referrals into the BeeU service

For more information about Neurodevelopmental conditions and support for Children and young people and their families while waiting for a diagnostic assessment visit the neurodiversity pages on the Healthier Together website Neurodiversity

Child Development Centres

The Child Development Centres (CDCs) provide information and advice for parents and carers and developmental assessment and intervention for young children. The services are currently provided for children who are less than 5 years old and before they begin going to school. Families may be referred to the CDC when their child has been given a diagnosis which is likely to affect their long term development or when it is felt that their child’s development is not progressing as expected.

Children's Community Physiotherapy

The Children's’Community Physiotherapy team provides physiotherapy assessment, treatment and rehabilitation during/following; illness, surgery, disease, disability or injury. Children's’Physiotherapy have a specific interest and expertise in working with children and young people who present with a wide range of conditions. The Physiotherapists work in a variety of different settings such as homes, clinics, Child Development Centres and schools (mainstream and special)

Children's Continuing Care and Personal Health Budgets

On 30th November 2012, the Minister of State for Care Services, Norman Lamb announced the national roll out of personal health budgets. This followed a three year pilot programme in the NHS, which ended in October 2012, and the publication of an independent evaluation report, led by the University of Kent. The final independent evaluation report, “Evaluation of the personal health budget pilot programme",”found that personal health budgets can help to improve people’s quality of life.

Community Childrens Nursing Team

The Children's’Community Nursing service provides nursing care to children aged 0 to 18 years who have an identified nursing need. We offer community visits to children, young people and their families across Telford and Wrekin.

Community Paediatrics

Community Paediatricians are specialist doctors with skills and knowledge in child health and development. 

The Community Paediatricians are able to offer a holistic child (paediatric) service as our focus is on identifying and working with others to meet each child's’needs - –edical, educational and social. 

Our service is for children and young people aged 0-16 years old but this extends to under 19 years for children with complex neurodisability educated full time in a local specialist provision.

We are able to medically assess and care for children with neurodisabilities and some relevant complex or chronic health needs, including:

  • Cerebral Palsy and other complex neurodisabling conditions
  • chromosome or syndrome disorders (e.g Down's’Syndrome) requiring Community Paediatric surveillance
  • developmental difficulties in preschool children
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorder in preschool children
  • coordination difficulties 'd‘spraxia' ’medical assessment only)
  • severe learning difficulties in school age children (medical assessment only)
  • specialist audiology services (hyperacusis and to investigate children with hearing loss)

Diabetic Services

The diabetes specialist nursing team are a clinically-led service that provides care to children with type 1 diabetes, or those with type 2 diabetes who manage their diabetes with Insulin or who are unable to control their diabetes with tablets alone and require injections. 

The following key services are offered by the diabetes specialist nursing team:

  • Education and skill development so that adults and children can manage to live with the condition to the best of their ability
  • Specialist advice and support to individuals with diabetes
  • Education and advice to professional and non-professional staff who care for people with diabetes
  • Structured Education Programme X-PERT for adults with Type 2 diabetes (virtual and face to face sessions)

Feeding and Dietetics Service

SaTH Dietetics - –ietitians work across Royal Shrewsbury Hospital and Princes Royal Hospital, providing nutritional expertise to patients and staff.

Inpatients - –ietitians provide nutritional assessment and treatment plans for patients in the acute hospital setting including food/nutrient/drug interactions, enteral feeding, and food fortification.

Outpatients - –ietitians provide individualised nutritional intervention using their expertise in conditions requiring dietary modification, behavioural modification and use of counselling skills. This is delivered in an outpatient setting including 1 to 1 clinic appointments and group education sessions.

We also provide individualised treatment plans for patients on community hospital wards, home enteral feeding and patients in their own homes referred by interdisciplinary care teams in the community.

MPFT - –he Paediatric Dietetic team provides a service to children (0 to 18 years, or 19 for children attending special schools) and their families with a wide range of special dietary needs. Paediatric Dietitians use the most up-to-date research on food and nutrition in health and disease, and translate this into practical and understandable dietary treatment for clients and families to follow on a day to day basis. This includes children struggling to gain weight, allergic to foods, or needing to be fed artificially.

The Paediatric Dietitians provide a specialist dietetic service to infants and children with a wide range of medical conditions, some examples are listed below:

  • Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
  • Single and multiple food allergies
  • Gastro-intestinal Disease
  • Complex Feeding Difficulties – including children who require home enteral (tube) feeding
  • Coeliac Disease
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorder with restrictive diet
  • Faltering Growth

Hope House Children's Hospice

Hope House Children's’Hospices - –ope House at Oswestry and Tŷ Gobaith at Conwy - –rovide care and support to life-limited children, young people and their families from Shropshire, Cheshire, North and Mid Wales.

Hope House Children's Hospices

Keyworker Service (learning disability and/or autism)

The Keyworker Service for Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin is delivered by Barnardo’s and is for children and young people with high support needs.

Click here for more information

Learning Diasability Annual Health Check

Annual health checks are for adults and young people aged 14 or over with a learning disability.

An annual health check gives people time to talk about anything that is worrying them and means they can get used to going to visit the doctor.

To find out more about annual health checks visit Learning Disability Annual Health Checks

Occupational Therapy Services

Local Authority Occupational Therapy Service. Occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants in our service help children/young people who aren't’able to/or are struggling to undertake activities at home due to an illness or disability, or they aren't’as independent as they could be.

Shropshire Community Health Trust NHS Children’s Occupational Therapy Services provides provide advice, assessment, intervention and rehabilitation to enable children and young people to particate in activities of daily living such as self-care, classroom activities and leisure activities.


RJAH Orthotics - –ur Department of Orthotics helps to treat and rehabilitate patients by providing orthoses to aid movement, correct deformity and relieve discomfort. We also aim to offer a continuing programme of maintenance, repair, reassessment and review of need once an orthosis has been supplied. 

Children's’Community Physio, SCHT - –his community physiotherapy team provides physiotherapy assessment, advice, treatment and rehabilitation to enable the children and young people with physical difficulties to reach their full potential by maximising function and independence.

RJAH Orthotics - Orthotics - –JAH

Children's’Community Physio, SCHT -


The children's’Paediatric Psychology Service (PPS), delivers specialist treatment for children and young people with serious, life-threatening or significant physical health problems and their families, aimed at helping them to cope with, and adjust to their conditions.

Speech and Language Therapy (SaLT)

The Children's Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) Service in Shropshire provides assessment and treatment of speech, language, communication and/or swallowing difficulties for children and young people from 0-16 years of age (or to 19 years old in full time education).

Shropshire Community Children's Occupational Therapy

Shropshire Community Children’s Occupational Therapy service provides provide advice, assessment, intervention and rehabilitation to enable children and young people to particate in activities of daily living such as self-care, classroom activities and leisure activities.

Wheelchair and Posture Service

Shropshire Wheelchair and Posture Service is a clinically-led service which aims to meet the mobility needs of children and young people with long term disabilities and restricted abilities. 

The following are provided by the Shropshire Wheelchair and Posture Service:

  • Specialist clinical assessment for wheelchair posture and mobility
  • Re-assessment offered for changing conditions
  • Bespoke prescriptions for wheelchairs and postural seating
  • Issue of manual and powered wheelchairs with special controls
  • Maintenance and repair of equipment
  • Wheelchair user weighing clinic

Young People's Community Eating Disorder Service (YP-CEDS)

MPFT BeeU - Young People Community Eating Disorder Service - The Young People Community Eating Disorders Service (YP-CEDS) provides specialist outpatient assessment and treatment for young people suffering from an eating disorder in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin. The service provides an evidence-based approach to helping young people restore physical health whilst helping them to improve their emotional health and wellbeing through therapy and guidance, focusing on positive and effective ways to manage eating difficulties. -

Beat Eating Disorders - Beat exists to encourage and empower people to get help quickly, because the sooner someone starts treatment, the greater their chance of recovery. People can contact Beat online or by phone 365 days a year. Beat listen and help people understand the illness, and support them to take positive steps towards recovery.  -

Overview to Eating Disorders -