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Social Work Assessment for short breaks

Telford & Wrekin provide specialist services for disabled children which are delivered by the Children with Disabilities (CWD) Social Work Team.

The Social Work Team assesses and provides services for children/young people with Disabilities and their families aged 0-18 where disability related needs are complex and cannot be met through universal, targeted and preventative support services. 

Assessment and planning in relation to short break provision

Guidance relating to short break provision is covered in statutory guidance. The guidance imposes a statutory duty to promote the welfare of children/young people with disabilities, including consideration of the need for short breaks. The guidance identifies the need for appropriate proportional assessment and planning; including consideration of the needs of parents and carers.

All requests for short breaks are considered and may result in the completion of  a Child & Family Assessment (C&F) to determine if additional or specialist support is needed. The need for overnight provision will always need a C&F assessment to be completed. A social worker will need to be the primary worker for all children/young people who receive an overnight short break under Section 20 of the Children Act 1989.

Determining if the children with disabilities service is the appropriate service will be through a referral to Family Connect where the CWD Duty Social Worker collating relevant information (below), and discussion with CWD Team Manager.

In addition the team will:

  • provide advice and consultation to other services/teams
  • provide a 'joined up' service through a 'step-up/step-down' approach by close working relationships with Inclusion and Support Team
  • work systemically across agencies and services to ensure that the holistic needs of a child are met by the family having access to a range of support, to promote inclusion and builds on existing family strengths and community provision.

If an assessment is required, the assessment will be a Children & Family Assessment completed by a Social Worker.

If the outcome of an assessment is to proceed to support planning for shortbreaks support the allocated worker will work with the child/ young person and their family  to devise a child centred support plan to meet identified needs and desired outcomes. 

A final decision about funding is never made until the support plan has been completed.

The Council cannot make an absolute commitment on how it will deliver services in the future. Our ability to carry through the work we intend to do is always dependant on the funding we receive from Council tax payers and Central Government.

If the overall budget or support changes we will return to discussions with families to explain how these have affected the Council’s plans.