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Telford & Wrekin Council Tax Benefit support

Our Welfare benefits officer can advise what benefits you are entitled to and how to apply.

Contact us by calling: 01952 383838.

Access to Work

Access to Work grant can pay for practical support if you have a disability, health or mental health condition to help you start working, stay in work or move into self-employment or start a business.
Access to Work

Calculate your benefit entitlement

The Telford & Wrekin website now has a simple to use online calculator to estimate how much Council Tax Support and Housing Benefit you may be entitled to.
View more information and calculate your entitlement

Concessionary Bus Pass

The Telford and Wrekin Concessionary Travel Scheme offers a number of different travel opportunities for residents who are age eligible, or people with disabilities who qualify under certain criteria.

The scheme includes the new English Concessionary Travel Pass, which allows free travel on local bus services throughout England, between 9.30am and 11pm Monday to Friday and at any time on Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays.

Click here for more information

Disability Living Allowance (DLA)

DLA for children may help with the extra costs of looking after a child.

Disabled Persons Railcard

The Disabled Persons Railcard is for people with a disability that makes travelling by train difficult.

You will qualify if you:

• receive Personal Independence Payments (PIP)
• receive Disability Living Allowance (DLA) at either: the higher or lower rate for the mobility component, or the  higher or middle rate for the care component
• have a visual impairment
• have a hearing impairment
• have epilepsy
• receive Attendance Allowance or Severe Disablement Allowance
• receive War Pensioner's Mobility Supplement
• receive War or Service Disablement Pension for 80% or more disability
• buy or lease a vehicle through the Motability scheme

Click here for more information

Disabled Student's Allowance

As a higher education student living in England, you can apply for Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) If you have a disability, long-term health condition, mental health condition, specific learning difficulty (like dyslexia)

DSA information page

Disability Access Fund (DAF)

From April 2017 the Disability Access Fund (DAF) is a new funding for early years providers to support children with disabilities or special educational needs. It aids access to early years places by supporting providers in making reasonable adjustments to their settings

For more information please click here

Education Trusts

There are three education trusts in Shropshire (all references to Shropshire include Telford and Wrekin).
The trusts are there to help students who either live or study in Shropshire. Also, the trusts may consider applications from schools and further education institutions that might submit applications for projects that fulfil the aims of the trusts.

View more information 

Money Matters: A Guide for Parents (Cerebra)

This guide has been prepared for parents of disabled children who want to know what financial help may be available for them and what arrangements they may need to put in place to manage their children’s finances from birth and as they get older.

View more information and download the guide

Personal Independence Payments (DLA post 16yrs)

PIP helps towards some of the extra costs arising from a long term ill-health condition or disability and is based on how a person’s condition affects them, not the condition they have. It is not means-tested or subject to tax and it is payable to people who are both in and out of work.


Carers allowance

Carer’s Allowance is £61.35 a week to help you look after someone with substantial caring needs. You don’t have to be related to, or live with, the person you care for. You must be 16 or over and spend at least 35 hours a week caring for them.
View how to claim

Blue Badge Parking permit

The Blue Badge scheme provides a national arrangement of parking concessions for people with severe walking difficulties who travel either as drivers or passengers.
Blue Badge Parking Permit

Free School Meals

Free School Meals are available at schools within Telford and Wrekin for children whose parent(s) satisfy certain criteria in respect of their income or benefits.
Free School Meals


Housing Benefit

If you are on a low income, whether you are working or not, and need financial help to pay all or part of your rent, you may be able to get Housing Benefit.
Housing Benefit

Concessionary Travel

The Telford and Wrekin Concessionary Travel Scheme offers a number of different travel opportunities for residents who are age eligible, or people with disabilities who qualify under certain criteria.
View more information

CEA Card

The CEA card enables the cardholder to obtain one complimentary ticket for a person to provide assistance required as a result of the cardholders disability.
Visit the CEA website for more information

Do you have a question?

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