Education Psychology Service
Who are we?
We are a team of Educational Psychologists, Trainee Educational Psychologists and Assistant Psychologists who apply psychology to support the wellbeing and progress of children and young people aged 0 - 25 years.
At Telford, we prioritize creative and collaborative approaches informed by modern psychology to support children in variety of contexts, within schools and throughout the community. As a team, we are always surveying the horizons and actively seeking new and innovative ways of working to support families and young people. Through this, we aim to develop holistic and preventative approaches to promote the wellbeing of children and families across Telford.
What we offer
We work with schools and the community to offer support and consultations for young people and their families. This will often take the form of collaborative work between schools and families to problem solve complex situations to support the wellbeing of young people.
Support to educational settings
Telford EPS works directly with local schools, nursery and colleges to support children and young people. Within our work with schools, we provide collaborative working with teachers and parents, regarding learning, behaviour, wellbeing or specific learning difficulties to help contribute to the school’s graduated response. This can take many forms but can include:

At Telford, consultation is central to our model of supporting schools children and families. Through meeting with parents, schools and young people, we collaboratively work together to create a joint understanding of the complex situations around young people and jointly construct steps to help families move forward
Additional Support
- Schools can contact us for support regarding Critical incident and Bereavement following a child or adult death.
- We provide Statutory guidance to the Local Authority to contribute to the Education Health and Care Needs Assessment (ECHNA) process, through our team and locum psychologists. Find out more information about Educational Health Care Plans (EHCP) by visiting the local offer.
Work within our community
PODS (Parents Opening Doors)
We have partnered with PODS to support parents who have children with Autism. Our team provides group and individual sessions to support parents with Autistic children in their daily lives.
Strengthening Families
The Blue Sky Project
We are partnering with strengthening families to support children and families who have had difficulties returning to school since the national lockdown or are currently not attending education for an extended period. The Blue Sky Project, being led by our assistant psychologist and strengthening family workers is using systemic family therapeutic approaches, as well as Acceptance and Commitment therapy to support families and children re- integrate into society and education
For more information on how to access the service and more please visit the EPS website via the link below.