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Inclusive School Forum (ISF)

ISF Overview

A school led forum providing support and challenge for Telford and Wrekin schools regarding provision and practice for children with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).

The Inclusive School Forum is a school led forum within Telford and Wrekin that provides support and challenge to mainstream schools regarding the provision and practice they deliver for children with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). It aims to provide an opportunity to network and deliver peer to peer guidance. The focus is, through sharing best practice, to develop an inclusive education system within Telford and Wrekin whereby children with increasingly complex needs achieve and succeed within mainstream schools.
A key function of the forum will be to support a school’s delivery of its graduated approach, through assess, plan, do and review cycles.  To enable schools to intervene early and with pace the forum has an allocation of high need top up funding (to be known as Additional Inclusion Funding or AIF) from the Local Authority which can be accessed where criteria is met and documentation required has been completed. An Education Health and Care Plan will not be required to access AIF funding.

Forum will meet on the first Tuesday of every month during term time. Where this is not possible, due to a school holiday for example, forum will meet on the first Tuesday of the new term/half term.

Upcoming forum dates:


Date of forum (Tuesday) Time Venue Papers due in
14 January '25 9am - 1pm MS Teams 7 January '25
4 February '25 9am - 1pm MS Teams 28 January '25
4 March '25 9am - 1pm MS Teams 25 February '25
1 April '25 9am - 1pm MS Teams 25 March '25
6 May '25 9am - 1pm MS Teams 29 April '25
3 June '25 9am - 1pm MS Teams 27 May '25
1 July '25 9am - 1pm MS Teams 24 June '25


Date of forum (Thursday) Time Venue Papers due in
6 February '25 9am - 1pm Charlton School 23 January '25
3 April '25 9am - 1pm TBC 20 March '25
15 May '25 9am - 1pm TBC 1 May '25
10 July '25 9am - 1pm TBC 26 June '25


Please return all forms/paperwork electronically to [email protected]

ISF Guidance and Procedure (Primary)

Please find below the link to download the ISF guidance and Procedure (Primary) document

Click here to download

ISF Guidance and Procedure (Secondary)

Please find below the link to download the ISF guidance and Procedure (Secondary) document

Click here to download

ISF Application Form

Please find below the link to download the ISF application form:

Click here to download

ISF Review Form

Please find below the link to download the ISF review form:

Click here to download

Information for Parents and Carers

What is the Inclusive School Forum?

The Inclusive School Forum is a meeting of school professionals including head teachers and SENCos who have expertise in special educational needs. It has been developed for all schools in Telford and Wrekin so that they are able to get advice and guidance from each other about how to meet children’s needs effectively.

In addition schools can ask the Inclusive School Forum for funding to support children’s complex SEND. This is known as Additional Inclusion Funding or AIF for short. Many parents say they have long waits to access support some of which have been only accessible with an Education, Health and Care Plan. There will be no need for a child to have an Education, Health and Care Plan to access funding (AIF) from the Inclusive School Forum. One aim of the forum is to provide funding much earlier so that children’s needs can be supported quickly.

Schools must work with parent/carers, children and young people in a person centred way, including you in the application and review process.

Which children can be discussed at the Inclusive School Forum?

  • Children and young people of primary and secondary age including those at academies.
  • Where funding (AIF) is being requested for a child they must have a Telford and Wrekin address.
  • The child or young person will have significant barriers to learning that require support above what is already allocated in a schools budget.
  • Funding (AIF) is allocated to the individual pupil, if the pupil moves school the funding is transferred if appropriate.
  • If you currently have, are applying for, or going through the EHC process then you are not able to apply for funding from the School Inclusion Forum at the same time.

What happens at forum?

Once an application has been accepted the SENCo of your child’s school will discuss your child with the forum. Forum meets once a month and a number of children are discussed from schools across Telford and Wrekin. The members of forum understand that all information shared about your child is to be kept confidential. Where members feel there is a conflict of interest, for example they are aware of the child outside of work, then they will leave the forum while the child is being discussed.

Schools may not always receive funding (AIF) following attendance at forum. Some schools will only want some advice and guidance whereas others will seek funding (AIF). Where funding (AIF) is not agreed the school will be given some next steps to consider. When the school are making an application for the Inclusive School Forum they must talk to you so you know what they are asking for.

What support can funding (AIF) be used for?

  • Requests need a clear rationale and based on specific outcomes.
  • This may include, but not limited to, support services, therapy, positive play and or teaching assistants to provide specific learning programmes.
  • Support must be appropriate for the child or young person to meet the individual child’s identified needs.
  • Schools must record the provision they put in place using an Inclusive School Provision Plan (ISPP).

How are parents/carers, children and young people involved?

Parents and carers should be involved in the whole process. Schools should talk to you about the support already in place and what they are proposing when requesting support from the Inclusive School Forum.

Schools will consult with parents and carers on the proposed support requested. You should contribute to and have a copy of the Inclusive School Provision Plan that is put in place.

The form for parents/carers, children and young people should be filled out in a person centred way.

How is support from the Inclusive School Forum requested?

Schools can apply using the templates and forms they have been provided with.

Schools are expected to involve parents/carers, children and young people before, during and after the application. Your views are recorded and returned with the application.

Schools will feedback the outcome of discussions at forum with you. Where funding (AIF) is agreed this will be available to schools within 10 working days.

Parents/carers will also be notified of any funding that has been agreed by post of email from the Local Authority who hold the budget.

Schools must review the Inclusive School Provision Plan (ISPP) with parents/carers before the date funding is due to cease.

Allocation of funding (AIF) is early support; therefore support should start immediately after it has been provided to schools.

Who to contact?

If you think your child would benefit from the scheme contact your school’s Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) or head teacher who will be able to provide further information.

If your child is accessing the scheme and you feel support is not appropriate you can talk to the SEND team within the Local Authority who are able to advise you on 01952 381045 or alternatively you can talk to IASS (Independent Advice Support Service) on 01952 457176

Do you have a question?

If there is anything you would like to ask us, about our services, our work or how we can help you, then click the button below.