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Special Provision Plan

In March 2021 the DfE committed 280m across Local Authorities requesting them to review high need provision and services for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).  With a known increase in demand, particularly surrounding placement requests for specialist provision, particular emphasis was drawn on ensuring sufficient good school places in the local area for those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

At this time the DfE also announced special provision capital funding for local authorities to invest in new places and/or improvements to facilities for pupils with education, health and care (EHC) plans across the continuum of provision (mainstream through to special schools).

The Local Authority has developed a concise plan that shows how they intend to invest their share of the High Needs Provision Capital Allocation.  Telford and Wrekin’s allocation amounts to £1,303,858. The plan below will be refreshed each year and currently reflects proposals as of 30th June 2021.  All projects and figures quoted are subject to change.

Special Provision Plan June 2021

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