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SEND Self Review Tool

The following guidance has been produced to support schools’ self-assessment of SEND. It is important that, following the 2014 Children and Families Act - provision for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities is led by senior leaders and seen as integral to every school.
In order to ensure that best practice is achieved for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities - a regular audit of provision establishes high expectations for all staff working in schools.
This is a framework that should guide more in-depth judgements within a school and it should sit alongside the school development plan.
The review should be completed internally alongside the school self-review and with external professional in SEN/D to ensure judgements are robust.

The review is divided into sections in order to emphasise that provision for SEND is a whole school, class based and individual responsibility. All these elements should link together to achieve consistency of policy and practice across a school. It is also about working with the families and pupils to ensure that parent/carer confidence is built in every school and pupils have a voice and the opportunities to achieve their best. The format also gives guidance to meet the focus areas so that each school can work towards establishing their standards in each area.
It will support schools in wider aspects:
Ofsted (SEN/D)
Equalities work


Initial review to complete audit – pre-work and 1 meeting in school (3 hours supported); Action Plan establishing any further support needed – SEN Officer; SLE; Advisory Teacher;

Second review to ensure Action Plan targets are being completed and 1 meeting (3 hours supported) and update action plan

Ongoing review – SENCo with support as required


Every school is different and works within its own context – the judgements are best made on evidence seen and moderated across school or with professionals. It is a given that statutory elements must be met to move above an emerging level. 

The statements should be highlighted with reference to where evidence is found.

Action points noted in each section over time to support movement through levels


Level 1 - Emerging Level 2 - Developing Level 3 - Established Level 4 - Enhanced

Emerging Level

Statutory Elements all in Place
(Including all website req)

Policies in place and regularly updated

SEN Governor in place

Accessibility plan in place

Equality targets in place

Parent/carers informed on progress, targets and processes

Systems in place monitoring teaching and learning

Strong inclusive School Ethos led by SLT

SEN Gov regular contact

SENCo aware of processes and has a strategic role in school

Parent/carers involved in meetings and wider school events

Teaching and Learning

Over time

All SEN/D systems consistent over time

Parent/carers active and contributing

Senior management have a strategic view of SEN/D

SENCo contributes to the SENCo Network

Teaching and Learning

Over time

Wider perspective held by school

SLEs from school active in neighbouring school

Active in research

Strength of parent view

Example to other schools/management

Teaching and Learning