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Autism is a lifelong developmental disability which affects how people communicate and interact with the world. More than one in 100 people are on the autism spectrum and there are around 700,000 autistic adults and children in the UK. Autism is a spectrum condition and affects people in different ways. Like all people, autistic people have their own strengths and weaknesses. Below is a list of difficulties autistic people may share
  • Social communication and social interaction challenges
  • Repetitive and restrictive behaviour
  • Over- or under-sensitivity to light, sound, taste or touch
  • Highly focused interests or hobbies
  • Extreme anxiety
  • Meltdowns and shutdowns

In children with autism, the symptoms are present before three years of age, although a diagnosis can sometimes be made after the age of three.

There's no "cure" for autism, but speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, educational support, plus a number of other interventions are available to help children and parents.

National Autistic Society


Other useful links

Healthier Together - Autism
Healthier Together - Autism Assessments
Autism West Midlands - Autism West Midlands - Embracing Difference, Empowering People
NHS - Autism - NHS

Telford Autism Hub (Autism West Midlands)

Information, Advice, Specialist support, Life skills workshops, drop in and lots more.
For people with Autism (diagnosed or not).

Telephone 01952 916109, Email [email protected]
Telford Autism Hub, Suite 12 & 15 Hazeldine House, Central Square, Telford Centre, Telford, TF3 4JL

Click here for more information


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