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What is an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan?

EHC Plans explained

Department of Education explaining EHC Plans

When deciding whether to issue an EHC Plan the local authority will take into account whether the needs of the child or young person can reasonably be met from resources normally available to settings.

We have worked with schools to publish their SEN information report. This should describe the provision available to help children with SEND in their schools.

An EHC Plan will include:

  • the views, interests and aspirations of the children and young people and their parent/carer
  • an outline of the child or young person’s special educational need
  • outcomes covering education, health and social care
  • the special educational provision needed to support the child or young person
  • the name and type of current education setting
  • Resource attached to the Plan
  • personal budget information if applicable.

An Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA) will not always lead to an EHC Plan. However it may help to decide how the education setting can meet the child or young person’s needs without an EHC Plan.

It should not take more than 20 weeks from requesting an assessment to a final EHC Plan being issued.

View EHC Assessment Timeline

What is a Moving Forward Meeting?

If you would like more information about this process, please contact the SEND team on 01952 385399.

Criteria Documents:

EHC Assessment Panel:

Terms of Reference for Telford and Wrekin's EHC Assessment Panel

EHC Needs Assessment Request Form and Guidance for Educational Settings:

New guidance and EHC assessment form, to support educational settings when requesting an EHC needs assessment, has been published in September 2017

It has been produced in light of training that was delivered to settings by the local authority during the 16/17 academic year from which concerns were raised that the current EHCNA request form used by settings and professionals in Telford and Wrekin was not fit for purpose and was not aligned to the focus on delivering a high quality graduated approach.

The new EHC assessment form, and associated guidance, will be piloted during the 17/18 Autumn Term. During this time settings will be asked to complete an evaluation so that we know what works, what we need to change and what else may need clarifying.

It is highly recommended that all settings use the pilot EHC needs assessment form to make a request. It has been designed so that professionals are better able to evidence a graduated approach which is a key element of the criteria used by the local authority to decide on how to proceed.

EHC Needs Assessment Request Form for Educational Settings:


Request Form for parent, carers and young people:

Parent / Carer / Young Person Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA) request form
(Please contact the SEND Team if you require an electronic version of this form)

To help us gather as much information as possible please can you complete the parental request form, however if you do not wish to do so you can write to our SEND team to formally request an education, health and care needs assessment. Contact details are here

Your Views Matter

Please complete this feedback form if you have received your child or young persons draft or final Education Health and Care Plan

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