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What is an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan?

Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan and AIF Banded Levels

Please find below the banded level to indicate the available resource (top-up/school notional budget) that supports implementation of provision specified in section F of an Education, Health and Care Plan.
Subject to change
Band  Value Per Annum
 1  £ -
 2  £ 1,044.85
 3  £ 2,089.70
 4  £ 3,134.55
 5  £ 4,179.40
 6  £ 4,701.83
 7  £ 5,224.25
 8  £ 6,269.10


Band values Mainstream schools

Subject to change
 Band  Value Per Annum
 1  Notional SEN Budget
 2  Notional SEN Budget
 3  Notional SEN Budget
 4  Notional SEN Budget
 5  Notional SEN Budget
 6  Notional SEN Budget
 7  Notional SEN Budget
 8  Notional SEN Budget
 9  £ 1,044.85
 10  £ 2,089.70
 11  £ 3,134.55
 12  £ 4,179.40
 13  £ 5,224.25
 14  £ 6,269.10
 15  £ 7,313.95
 16  £ 8,358.80
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