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SEND Self Review

Severn teaching

Our framework for SEND Self Review

Telford and Wrekin has created a framework to support schools’ self-assessment of SEND.  It is important that, following the Children and Families Act 2014, provision for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities is led by senior leaders and seen as integral to every school.  In order to ensure that best practice is achieved for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities a regular audit of provision will establish high expectations for all staff working in schools.

Our aim is to ensure settings have the support required to continually evolve provision so that it meets the needs of an ever changing population. Our local area framework includes:

  • Training in the use of the national WHOLE SCHOOL SEND self-review guide
  • Local development of Best Practice SEND Guidance
  • A free visit (to schools) from a Severn Teaching School SLE.

Whole school self-review guide

During 2018-19 Telford and Wrekin Local Authority and the Severn Teaching School provided FREE training on the use of the Whole School SEND Self Review Guide and the majority of our schools took part. The training delivered to schools can be found here.

During 2019-2020 FREE follow up visits are planned, via Severn Teaching School SEND SLE’s, to schools to support the completion of their reviews and action plan next steps.

The SEND Review Guide has been developed by WHOLE SCHOOL SEND to enable schools to self-reflect on their provision for children and young people with SEND. It is nationally recognised and has been widely adopted through various networks as supporting the development of SEND provision. It can be used by all sectors including mainstream, special, AP and PRU providers. The review aims to:

  • help and improve progress for children with SEND.
  • support effective implementation of SEND provision.
  • develop inclusive practice.
  • identify key areas of development in schools.
  • support whole school change.

The WHOLE SCHOOL SEND Self Review guide can be found here.

Telford and Wrekin SEND Best Practice Guidance

The SEND Best Practice Guidance has been produced by Telford and Wrekin to support and compliment a school’s self-review using the WHOLE SCHOOL SEND evaluation tool.  It is a catalogue of statements which come from Telford and Wrekin schools and has been produced by SENCos and professionals with expertise in SEND. A number of resources are included too. It intends to be an evolving document which will be regularly updated with new additions.

The guidance is divided into sections that match the WHOLE SCHOOL SEND evaluation tool and includes: 

  • Outcomes for pupils with SEND
  • Leadership of SEND 
  • The quality of teaching and learning for pupils with SEND 
  • Working with pupils and parents/carers of pupils with SEND
  • Assessment and identification
  • Monitoring, tracking and evaluation
  • The efficient use of resources
  • The quality of SEND provision.

Telford and Wrekin Best Practice materials can be found here.

FREE visits to Telford and Wrekin schools

Schools must contact the Severn Teaching School to arrange their FREE visit from a SEND SLE.  Please send in expressions of interest stating you want a ‘SEND self review’ to [email protected]. Please be mindful that visits will take place over the academic year 19/20 in relation to capacity.

Coming soon - Watch out for the Early Years WHOLE SCHOOL SEND self-review.