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Early Years


What is the Graduated Response?

Most children’s needs can be met through the universal offer - this is the everyday provision for all children.

The graduated response explains the steps setting practitioners should take to meet the needs of children who may be identified as having SEND. Parents should be involved at each stage of the process.

To find out more take a look at the page: Good Practice Guidance for SEND

What is an ‘Early Years Initial Record of Concern’?

You may wish to discuss concerns about your child’s learning and development with their Key Person or the setting SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator). Practitioners at the nursery may raise concerns they have about your child.

Following discussions, the SENCo (or Key Person) at the setting should complete an Initial ‘Record of Concern’ form, recording concerns about your child’s learning and development, and detailing what different provision they are going to make to support him/her at the setting. Parents/Carers should read and sign this form. This is the first step in the graduated response to SEND.

To find out more take a look at the page: Initial Record of Concern

What is ‘Early Year SEND Support’?

SEND Support is the next stage in the graduated response to your child’s needs. At this stage, the SENCo may suggest a SEND provision plan for your child, which outlines additional provision which will be put into place to support your child to achieve outcomes, agreed with you

How does the Early Years setting access support from external services?

The setting SENCo may suggest accessing support for your child from external services. The SENCo can make referrals to some services, such as Speech and Language Therapy, or they can signpost you to where you can go to access further support.

What is an ‘Early Years Advisory Teacher/Consultants (EYCC) Request for Involvement?

A Request for Involvement is the form the SENCo at the Early Years setting should complete to request an observation from a member of the Early Years team. The Early Years Teacher or Consultant will be able to provide advice on how practitioners can support your child in their Early Years setting.