Early Years
Initial Record of Concern (IROC)
You may wish to discuss concerns about your child’s learning and development with their Key Person or the setting SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator). Practitioners at the nursery may raise concerns they have about your child.
Following discussions, the SENCo (or Key Person) at the setting should complete an Initial ‘Record of Concern’ form, recording concerns about your child’s learning and development, and detailing what different provision they are going to make to support him/her at the setting. Parents/Carers should read and sign this form. This is the first step in the graduated response to SEND.
Nurseries or settings that have concerns about a child’s development, will follow the steps outlined below.
- Complete the Initial Record of Concern Form below:
- Share the form with parents/carers and request their comments and relevant permissions
- This form can be used for any child within the setting, regardless of whether they are eligible for their Nursery Education Grant (NEG) Funding.
- Record the child’s strengths and interest and reasons for concern
- Record the child’s name on your SEND Monitoring Details format (overview sheet)
- Identify differentiated activities to address areas of concern and complete a Differentiated Activities Sheet
- Review progress in 6 weeks
- If you are still concerned about their progress continue to observe or begin an Early Years Individual SEND Support Record.
- If you are no longer concerned then there is no need for any further paperwork. However, keep the child’s name on the SEND monitoring list, continuing to review progress periodically
- Some children may start at your setting with professional reports from external agencies for example: Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Telford Child Developmental Centre. These children will be recorded at EY SEND Support on your monitoring sheet.
If you are a parent and you have concerns you can speak to the Special Educational needs coordinator at your child’s nursery or setting, you can also speak to your health visitor or Doctor (GP).
Download the Initial Record of Concern form