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Early Years

Early Years Individual SEND Support Record

Each time an Initial Record of Concern (IROC) form is completed and Early Years Individual SEND Support Record should also be filled in. This provides a continuous record of the individual child, the stage of SEND Support and the professional involvement.

  • The record should be kept up to date. For example: each time the child is seen by a professional the details are logged on the form. Any paperwork that is completed or received should be logged.
  • The record will provide ‘at a glance’ chronological evidence of a graduated response to the childs needs.
  • Parental permissions must be gained to start this record, including a signature. Parents MUST be involved to agree this information is kept and given opportunities to contribute.
  • Each child should have an individual file containing their SEND Support documents, this file can be added to over time.
  • At this stage some children may need an Early Years SEND Support Provision Plan this shows that the setting is making provision for that child that is additional to or different from the provisions for the other children.

Early Years Individual SEND Support Record 



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