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Early Years SEND Support Provision Plan

An Early Years SEND Support Provision Plan will be completed for each child. This follows the cycle of assess – plan –do – review as outlined below, this process can be repeated as many times as needed to support the learning and development needs of the child.


This takes place by observing the child and tracking their progress along with conversations with colleagues and the child’s parents. Three areas for development will be identified which require intervention and support to help the child progress.


Planning - Long Term Outcomes

The long term outcomes for the child will be considered, what they will be able to achieve over the next 6-12 months. Guidance, recommendations and suggested outcomes can be given by external agencies if they are available. Parents will be given the opportunity to discuss, contribute and agree to the outcomes and they will be requested to sign the forms. Outcomes can be shared between the home and the setting.

Planning – Short Term Outcomes

More achievable short term outcomes that can be reached in the next six weeks can be identified, guidance, recommendations from external agencies can be used if they are available.

All outcomes must be SMARTA

S             Small (Specific)

M           Measurable

A             Achievable

R             Realistic

T             Time related

A             Agreed

Design -Make into a picture/diagram, with each letter having a different colour


Consider the actions and interventions that will be required for the child to achieve their outcomes. What resources, strategies and support will be needed and how to ensure that these can be consistently delivered through the plan. All practitioners should be aware of the plan and their role in supporting the child. Observe and collate evidence of the child’s achievements over the agreed time period.


A meeting will need to be set up with parents/carers to review the outcomes of the child’s progress towards achieving their targets. Parents/Carers need to be involved in every review meeting to discuss the progress of their child. If they are unable to attend the documents must be shared with them and their signatures obtained.

How the Review will take place

The review progress will be tracked by looking at how the outcomes have been set, for example if they have been achieved then new outcomes can be set.

If the outcomes have been partially achieved then the outcomes can be adapted to show that a small measure of progress has been made and that a change of focus has been made.

If the outcomes have not been achieved, the outcomes will be checked to see if they are realistic, if they need simplifying this will be considered or a different provision will be looked at.

Once the outcomes have been agreed a new SEND Support Provision Plan can be completed and the next review meeting arranged (usually in six weeks)


If the child has made the expected progress and there is no longer any concern about the child’s development, the SEND Support Record can be closed. The record needs to be confidentially stored and passed onto the next setting when the child needs (parental consent will be needed). This child’s learning and development should continue to be monitored.


If you are concerned that the child need more support then you may consider competing a CAF (Common Assessment Framework) to identify appropriate external agencies to provide support for example:

Strengthening Families Service 

Early Years Advisory Teacher/SENCo 

To request involvement from your Early Years Advisory Teacher/SENCo please complete a Request for Involvement Form

To request a review of a previously observed child please download and complete the form below:
Request a Review Form


Health Visitor 

Early Years SEND Support Provision Plan


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