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16 - 25 years

16 - 25 years

We have revamped our Post 16 section. You can view the new "Preparing for Adulthood" pages here

There have recently been big changes to the way disabled young people and those with special educational needs are supported when they finish school and move on to the next stage in their lives. The young people in this short film talk about some of the different types of support that are available to help young people aged 16-25 with special educational needs and disabilities to achieve their aspirations.


Care Services

Adult Social Care

A single point of contact for any adult who lives in Telford and Wrekin and may be in need of care and support services from Adult Social Care. This service aims to assist people to help themselves by using community resources. If this is not possible we will help you complete an initial assessment, which will signpost you to more relevant services We give free information and advice to all.

Adult Social Care Information

Brightlights Respite

Brightlights Respite provides Over 8's out of school respite care for children with special needs.

Weekdays 3pm till 8pm (term time)
Overnight Respite available 7 days a week
Holidays and PD days with prior arrangement
(all subject to availability)

For more information please visit our Facebook page or;Contact :

Sharon - 07543555561
Alison - 07951651960

Strengthening Families

Targeted family support in their own home to support with family relationships, managing behaviour, access to services, CAF/TAC support, positive local activities and access to courses.

Strengthening Families webpage

Community Support (My Options)

The service supports people in their homes, whether they live alone or with someone they have chosen to share a property with. Some people may want or need 24 hour support, others may need only a few hours a day or week.
Our Community Support service provides a range of options tailored to your needs.
Our team are specialised in supporting people with learning disabilities who may have been involved in offending or significantly challenging behaviour.

Community Support

Direct Payments

A direct payment involves us giving you some money so that you can be independent and manage and arrange your own care.

Direct Payments

Disabled Children's Social Work Team (DCT)

To identify the children/young people that the Disabled Children’s Team Social Workers will provide a specialist intervention/service.

DCT page

Educational Psychology Service

The principal aim of the The Educational Psychology Service (EPS) is to promote the well-being, personal development and education of children and young people by applying psychology. 

Educational Psychology Service website.

Home From Home Care

Home From Home Care is a family-led company which provides specialist residential service for adults (17+) with complex needs, including Autism, Epilepsy, Cerebral Palsy, PMLD, Sensory Impairment and associated health & mental health issues. Being parent-led, our main ethos is to promote independent living as much as possible by empowering individuals to lead fulfilled, happy and active lives. We are renowned for offering a high quality service which puts the people we support at the heart of what we do.

Visit the Home From Home Care website

Inclusion and Support Service

The role of the Inclusion and Support team combines Education and Social Care roles and functions to meet the requirements of the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) reforms.

Inclusion and Support

Telford MyLife Portal

An online directory for adults living in Telford and Wrekin who are looking for information, advice and support.

Telford MyLife Portal

Sensory Inclusion Service (SIS)

SIS supports young people with hearing and seeing difficulties. It also includes support and help for their families. Its goal is to provide a wide range of assistance to ensure children have a good quality of life and are not excluded from the community.

Sensory Inclusion Service

Education and Training Services

As part of this Local offer, schools have additional duties under the Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Disability Regulations 2014. Schools must publish more detailed information about their arrangements for identifying, assessing and making provision for pupils with SEN.

Below is a list of schools with completed offers.

Please contact your school if they are not on the list.

Telford & Wrekin "Find a School"

SEND 16+ Education and Training Placement Policy

Following implementation of the Children and Families Act 2014, the Local Authority has responsibility for securing placements into post 16 educational settings for those young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan. This policy clarifies how decisions are made by the Local Authority which are in line with its duties specified within the SEND Code of Practice 2014.

View Policy

Local authority maintained Special schools:

The Bridge School

Independent Special schools Telford:

Overley Hall school


Telford College
Additional Learning Support is provided at Telford College to meet the needs of a diverse cohort of learners with a wide range of learning difficulties and disabilities. Support is provided across all curriculum areas at all levels to help all students make the most of their time at college and enjoy and succeed on their chosen course.
Telford College Website

Options Group

For over 16 years we have supported a number of children, young people and adults who require specialist services. Through the success of our services, the outcomes delivered to those accessing them, and in recognition of the changing needs of the services and individuals in our care, we have expanded our facilities and developed the services offered within them.

Options Group

Willow Tree Centre

Telford College officially opened its new £1.8 million Willow Tree Centre, supporting learners with complex needs and disabilities. The building, based at Telford College's Wellington campus, is a specialist service for students aged between 16 and 19.

Facilities include a Sensory Room funded by a £10,000 Big Lottery Fund grant, plus a Life Skills room, and training areas for Hair and Beauty, Food Technology, and Technology.

Willow Tree Centre

Section 41 list of approved specialist providers

Section 41 of the Act allows the Secretary of State, by order, to publish a list of approved independent special institutions (Independent Special Schools – England and Wales and Special Post-16 institutions) for the purposes of satisfying Section 38 (Preparation of an Education, Health and Care plan by local authorities) of the Act. Institutions can only be included on the list with their consent.

View more Information on Section 41

Breckenbrough School

Breckenbrough, situated near Thirsk, North Yorkshire, is a non-profit-making charity which provides a safe, calm environment where boys who have not been able to thrive in mainstream are able to reach their academic potential. Breckenbrough accepts pupils from all over the country who have an EHCP which states that they need support for ASC, Asperger’s ADHD, ADD and other complex needs. Our speciality is educating able boys.

We employ a full-time registered psychologist and can provide other therapies such as occupational, speech and language, music and creative arts.

Breckenbrough School website 


cSeeker is the shared vision of Deaf brothers Guy and Alex Orlov, and an alternative way for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people to source language communication support in education, 24/7 and UK-wide. We aim to make academic life accessible through properly qualified and registered Communication Professionals (CPs) who have experience of the subject being studied, and who can be available at short notice.
We know just how frustrating booking the right support can be, and knew things could be done better and differently. That’s how cSeeker was born.

We’ve grown beyond what we could have imagined and now have hundreds of CPs on our database and have won large contracts with colleges and universities and major local authorities. So whether you need a BSL interpreter, lipspeaker or note-taker, and wherever and whenever you need your CP, we can help.
Talk to us about what you need today – and ask us about student mentoring and Deaf Awareness Training, too.

Visit the cSeeker website for more information

Derwen College

Awarded ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted at three consecutive inspections, Derwen College provides a rich learning environment for young people with many conditions, including learning and physical disabilities, ASD, medical needs and behaviours of concern.

Our specialism is building employability skills through authentic work opportunities in hospitality and customer services in our commercial outlets and off-campus with our partners in the wider community.

Individualised learning includes a comprehensive personal development programme. Students are supported to begin learning to care for themselves, shop, cook, develop road safety skills, extend their abilities in inter-personal relationships and take their place in society.

Our goal is for every student to reach their potential, leaving college as independent as they can be.

Click here for more information

Future Focus

(formally known as Connexions) is a free support service for children from 13-19 years (up to 25 years if you have additional needs). We provide impartial information, advice and guidance on careers and future planning. We also help you when things get in the way of your learning or future plans.

The Young People Careers Service helps you into and during your education,employment and training.

Future Focus

Future Focus Transition Pack

Future Focus Careers Action Plan

Independent Support

Independent Support(IS) is a government funded programme to provide additional support to parent and young people during the implementation of the Children and Families Act 2014. 

Independent Support website

Information, Advice and Support Service (IASS)

Previously known as Parent Partnership Service (PPS). The IASS provides confidential and impartial information along with advice and support around Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. They also offer health and social care support. The service will help to increase confidence for people to participate in decisions, empowering parents and young people to take an active role in their child’s education.


Job Box

The Job Box is a one stop shop for information and support on job vacancies, training and employment in the Telford and Wrekin area. Our aim is to provide you with links to the support you can access as well as the latest information on local jobs and employers. You will find below a list of services for young people between the ages of 16-25:


Landau is a charity established in 1995 to support people with learning disabilities to lead more independent lives and where possible to progress into employment.
Today Landau supports over 600 people a year with a range of learning, training and supported employment needs across Stoke, Staffordshire, Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin and the Black Country.
We deliver accredited and non-accredited learning programmes targeting young NEETs, those living in deprived areas or living in social housing.
Landau is a user driven organisation; our service users inform our service design.

Our Principles of Service have evolved from consultation with our service users and staff, and embody the values of the organisation.

We are committed to our service users and you will:

  • Have support from caring and knowledgeable staff
  • Have person centred planning with full involvement
  • Be treated with respect at all times
  • Be given full equality of opportunity


Landau is a user driven organisation which operates an open culture which reflects the individual and person centred nature of the services we provide.

  • To improve significantly the quality of life for our client group by providing opportunities and route ways to employment.
  • To provide, through access to learning and culture, opportunities for personal development, personal growth and enrichment.
  • To build connections between individuals and employers.
  • To employ people passionate about enabling our service users achieve their full potential.
  • To provide high quality services to vulnerable people.

Click here for more information

Learning and Behaviour Advisory teams

The Learning and Behaviour Advisory Teams work with Children and young people aged 4 to 18, teaching assistants and school support workers, teachers, and senior leadership staff.

We offer learning assessments and advice, access arrangements, observations, advice and support for children and young people with SEND; challenging behaviours and/or emotional needs. We offer a wide variety of courses, CPD and conferences in the area of SEND and behaviour, along with in school group interventions to support settings in encouraging and improving learning behaviour. Please click on the following links for more information;

Behaviour Support Advisory Team (BSAT)

Learning Support Advisory Team (LSAT)

National Star College

We are an outstanding (CQC 2017, Ofsted 2012) specialist college providing personalised learning and transition services for people with disabilities. We work with students with complex physical, learning, sensory and communication difficulties and acquired disabilities.

We have outstanding multi-disciplinary support, assistive technologies and equipment plus excellent facilities. These include sensory, therapeutic, residential and supported work environments. Our charity also supports students with longer term accommodation and occupation options. For more information please visit our website

Preparing for Adult Life - Post 16 Transition

Click here to find useful links to help the transition of young people (Post 16) moving from Children's services into Adult services.

Sensory Inclusion Service (SIS) 

SIS supports young people with hearing and seeing difficulties. It also includes support and help for their families. The goal is to provide a wide range of assistance to ensure children have a good quality of life and are not excluded from the community.

Sensory Inclusion Service

Telford & Wrekin Post 16 Transport Policy Statement and Application

Our policy for transport reinforces our approach to give young people skills and support to make successful transition from education and training into sustainable employment. Our main objective for this transport policy is that wherever possible we give young people the help they need to travel independently in a manner that is safe and sustainable.

View the statement or download the application form here

The Skills and Enterprise Hub

The Skills and Enterprise Hub offers vocational work based training giving people opportunities to gain knowledge, skills and confidence enhancing their opportunities to move towards the world of work.

At the hub we support people to develop new skills making a wide range of high quality, excellent value products and delivering services for sale to the public including:

  • rustic goods
  • garden products
  • art and craft items
  • car washing
  • TWIGS - a community based gardening service for residents of Telford and Wrekin

Skills and Enterprise Hub

Health Services

The National Health Service (NHS) provides services that everyone can access, these are called universal services. It also provides other services that you are more likely to come across because your child needs extra help and support, these are called specialist services.

Challenging Perceptions

Our mission is to reduce the stigma currently associated with mental health in young adults and to bring a sense of belonging, where young adults with mental health issues have the chance to invest in their future, together with an open mind. All staff and Directors are volunteers.

Please visit the Challenging Perceptions website below to self refer and for more information on the project groups available for young people aged 14-24 years.

Challenging Perceptions website

Children’s and Special Care Dentistry

Referral dental service for children and young adults with additional needs which include a physical, intellectual, medical, emotional, sensory, mental, psychological or social impairment or disability or a combination of these factors.

Dentistry - Shropshire Community Health NHS

Children's Community Nursing

The Children's Community Nursing service provides nursing care to children aged 0 to 18 years who have an identified nursing need. We offer community visits to children, young people and their families across Telford and Wrekin.

Community Nurse NHS

Children's Community Physiotherapy

The Children's Community Physiotherapy team provides physiotherapy assessment, treatment and rehabilitation during/following; illness, surgery, disease, disability or injury. Children's Physiotherapy have a specific interest and expertise in working with children and young people who present with a wide range of conditions. The Physiotherapists work in a variety of different settings such as homes, clinics, Child Development Centres and schools (mainstream and special).

Children's Community Physiotherapy NHS


Find your nearest doctors practice. Most referrals will need to start from your local GP NHS

Domiciliary service

For patients who are unable to attend the dental surgery due to medical and/or mobility difficulties.

Domiciliary service NHS

Emotional Health and Wellbeing Service (Bee U)

In consultation with children and young people, the service has been named Bee U. Bee U consists of 4 organisations (The Children’s Society, Kooth, Healios and Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust) who deliver emotional health and wellbeing services across Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin.

View more information (NHS)

Health A-Z Conditions and Treatments (NHS)

A very helpful A-Z of hundreds of conditions explained by the NHS

View more information

Occupational Therapy Service (OT)

Occupational therapy is the assessment and treatment of a range of difficulties and diagnoses using specific, purposeful activity.

Occupational Therapy Service NHS

Paediatric Psychology Service

When young people have serious physical health problems it can be very distressing for them and for everyone in the family. Our service offers a chance for young people and their families to talk about how this makes them feel, and where necessary suggest strategies or ways of dealing with things that can help them to cope better with their situation.

Paediatric Psychology Service NHS


It provides a range of acute hospital services for people from Telford, Shropshire, mid Wales and further afield.

Visit the PRH website NHS

School Nursing Service

The School Nursing Service takes over their care from the Health Visitor at the age of 5.

Child health records are handed over to the school nursing service from the Health Visitor and remain with the School Nursing Service until young people leave school or sixth form.

School Nurses are qualified registered nurses or midwives with specialist training and experience in public health for children, young people and families.

School Nursing Service (NHS)

Speech and Language Therapy (SALT)

The Children's Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) Service in Shropshire provides assessment and treatment of speech, language, communication and/or swallowing difficulties for children and young people from 0-16 years of age (or to 19 years old in full time education).

Speech and Language Therapy NHS

Telford & Wrekin Clinical Commisioning Group (CCG)

Local health information

Telford & Wrekin CCG website

Leisure and Fun

Adapted Bikes

At Telford Cycle Centre we have the equipment and expertise to provide a range of all ability cycling sessions. Including a set of tricycles and a front loader bike.

For more information visit the Cycle experience website or call Cycle Experience on 0330 024 1783.

Pre-booking required.

Telford Cycle Centre, Visitor Centre, Telford Town Park, Telford, Shropshire, TF3 4EP

Child and Family Locality Service (CAFLS) Group Activities

Group activities hosted by Child and Family Locality Services.

Visit the CAFLS webpage

Charlotte's Tandems

Our borrowers are both children and adults. Tandems are a fun and safe way to get out and about as friends, a couple, family or group. They are available for hire for a couple of months at a time. We now have about nearly a hundred tandems and about a dozen tag-alongs all over the UK. They are with Borrowers for the vast majority of the time but looked after by the Volunteer Helpers listed below. If you would like to borrow one then please use the Contact tab above and Alex will put you in touch with the appropriate Helper. The disabilities and special needs of our borrowers have so far included: Severe Learning Difficulties, Autism, Aspergers, Blindness, Visual Impairment, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Stroke, Amputation, Hearing Loss, Dyspraxia, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Parkinson's, MS, ME, CRPS, COPD, Hemiplasia, Tuberous Sclerosis, CHARGE & MPS III.

Visit Charlotte's Tandems website


The Cineworld™ and Odeon™ cinemas provide a range of different services for the disabled they include help for people with sensory and mobility problems. They also cater for autistic children with autistic viewing screens.

Odeon accessibility webpage Cineworld accessibility webpage

The Community Activity and Wellbeing Service (My Options)

The service delivers a wide range of organised community activity programmes such as:

  • arts and crafts
  • horticultural projects
  • outdoor pursuits – hill walking, fishing, boating and canoeing
  • sports and leisure - football, rugby, swimming, horse riding
  • music and technology

My Options

Cycle Experience

Cycle Experience are thrilled to be able to offer a wide range of cycle training activities out of the Telford Cycle Centre, situated in the heart of Telford Town Park. They also provide guided cycling and even training.

Cycle Experience website

Disability Adventure Weekends offer - Pioneer Centre

Through four adventure activities during the course of each weekend we’ll provide you with opportunities to push yourself beyond what you may have thought possible! For example, you can have a go at wheelchair abseiling on our purpose built and specially designed tower. Our fully qualified and experienced instructors will provide you with memories you’ll never forget.

Pioneer Centre

Disabled Children and Young People record

The record is one of the ways that we can get important information to people who need it. The record helps gather information to help us plan services for the future. The record is a database of information about the disabled child or young person and their families in Telford and Wrekin.

Visit the Disabled Children record webpage

Disabled swimming

Disabled Swimming sessions with the Wrekin Special Swimming Club.

Visit the Telford & Wrekin leisure website

Grow the Game

The Foundation’s Grow the Game Scheme provides grants of up to £1,500 for the creation of new football teams and coaching qualifications, with money provided by the Premier League and The FA. The Scheme is delivered by the Foundation.

Grow the Game webpage

The Growing Confidence Project

The Growing Confidence Project provides fun opportunities for people aged 11-25 years old to get outside, help conserve local wild spaces, learn more about natural history and meet new people. Partners. of the project include Shropshire Wildlife Trust, FSC Preston Montford and Fordhall Farm.

For more information please visit our Facebook page here, or contact us via telephone:
01743 284280


ican2 was created as part of Telford & Wrekin Council's short breaks pathfinder project ran from April 2008 to March 2011.

The ican2 Short Breaks programme is about providing activities for children and young people living in Telford and Wrekin with a disability or additional need - children who have, or would experience, difficulty attending groups, clubs or facilities without support.

Children and young people are eligible for short breaks if they have a physical or learning disability, a hearing or visual impairment. It includes children with autism and Asperger’s Syndrome and children who may have challenging behaviour as a result of their learning disability. It also includes children who have complex needs and who may have palliative, life limiting or a life- threatening conditions.

Ice skating

Go ice skating at the Telford Ice Rink. Go with parents or friends and free skate and have fun!

Telford Ice Rink

Inclusive swimming lessons

All four pool sites within Telford & Wrekin (Wellington, Abraham Darby, Oakengates and Newport Pool) provide separate Junior and adult disability learn to swim sessions and these have been developed to bridge the gap between 1-1 lessons and mainstream classes. Fully qualified ASA swimming teachers at these sites deliver the disability lessons with enhanced knowledge of disabilities and cater for all abilities from beginner and upward, the emphasis is on learning through fun based sessions following the ASA Alpha Awards with a goal of working towards accessing mainstream swimming classes.

For more information contact one of the Swim4Life co-ordinators below based on your preferred site. The co-ordinators will then be able to determine the best way forward with the disability sessions.

Abraham Darby Sports & Leisure Centre
Email Jenny Childs: [email protected] 
Telephone: 01952 382770

Wellington Civic & Leisure Centre
Email Ruth Giblin: [email protected]  
Telephone: 01952 382720

Oakengates Leisure Centre
Email Gaynor Havard: [email protected] or Tracey Jones: [email protected]  
Telephone: 01952 382810 

Newport Swimming Pool
Email: Sebastian Smith [email protected]  
Telephone: 01952 382740

Inclusively Fit Project

The project will endeavour to make sport and physical activity more accessible to disabled people by creating a web based activity directory showing what is currently being delivered around Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin.

Inclusively Fit Project information document

Perry RDA

The Cavalier Centre will be a designated centre for the Riding for the Disabled Association, and the home of Perry RDA Ltd, one of over 600 RDA groups throughout England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland providing people with disabilities with the opportunity to improve their physical and mental health through education and fun with horses.

Perry RDA

Tag Rugby

Tag rugby is a non contact, fun sport, which helps with confidence, boosting self esteem, encouraging teamwork; it also helps keep children fit and healthy. We meet at the Dome at Telford College of Art and Technology (TCAT).

Shropshire disability tag rugby webpage

Telford Library Services

Telford Library offers a vast range of services to the disabled. Services included are audio books for people that are hard of hearing and big text books for people with sensory problems.

Telford Library services

Telford Leisure Services

More and more people are realising the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Feeling fit and healthy is a key element of physical and mental wellbeing and exercise is a great way to look after your body and a perfect way to relax.

Telford & Wrekin Leisure services

Telford Summer Cycling

Travel Telford have an exciting programme of cycling activities for children and adults of all ages and abilities. The activities offer people the opportunity to take part in a range of cycling skills, games and competitions, make new friends and have fun whilst riding their bikes!

Telford Summer Cycling

Town Park

Our new inclusive play area was completed in March 2013. The new play area has been designed with disabled children and young people in mind and provides equipment for all abilities within an open park setting.

Telford Town Park website

Wheelchair sports/activities

Telford Powerchair Football Club

Lilleshall Sports Hall
Every Wednesday Night 6pm - 8pm
For more information click here

Wheelchair Tennis

First Point Telford Tennis Centre – Oakengates
Monday evenings
£5 per session 
Email - [email protected]