Preparing for Adulthood Employment
Careers Advice
On this page you will find information and guidance about careers support avaliable for young people in Telford and Wrekin.
Careers Guidance in School
Careers advice and guidance is available in schools for Key Stage 4 students and schools can advise how to access this. (Some schools in Telford & Wrekin will use Future Focus as their careers advisors.). Careers advice and guidance can help to explain the different choices and options available, and suggest opportunities for young people to consider before they make an informed decision about their future Career Action Plan. It is vital that young people see a Careers Adviser and get a Career Action Plan that lists their choices, options and next steps for their future.
Future Focus
Some schools in Telford & Wrekin use the Future Focus service to provide careers advice rather than having a specific Careers Advisor within their school. Future Focus is an impartial, free, Careers Guidance support service for young people living in Telford aged between16-19 or up to 25 years with additional needs.
They provide impartial information, advice and guidance on careers and future planning. They can also help you when things get in the way of your learning and future plans and look at support services with you that might be able to help.
You will have a Future Focus Advisor who will offer you confidential advice and they can help you with your learning and career plans. These could include:
- Exploring realistic options including employment with training opportunities.
- Job searching, Writing a CV and interview skills
- Help with applying for apprenticeships
- Help to choose the right courses
- Finding Career information
- Overcoming reasons not to carry on with education
- Increasing your confidence and building on your communication skills
- Involving your family in your learning plan
You can contact Future Focus through your School or Placement or visit the drop in at Southwater One.
Drop In’s
Southwater One, Southwater Square, Southwater, Telford, TF4 4JG
(Mon-Fri 9-5)
Phone: 01952 388988
Email: [email protected]
National Careers Service
The National Careers Service provides an online information, advice and guidance service to help you make decisions on learning training and work. You can explore careers, take a skills assessment, find courses and read advice on different stages of a job hunting, interview skills and more.
Telford Job Box
The Job Box is a one stop shop for information and support on job vacancies, training and employment in the Telford and Wrekin area.