Preparing for Adulthood Education
How to Apply
On this page you will find advice and guidance for young people applying for post-16 education (with an EHCP)
To apply for a placement an Intended Destination Preference Form will need to be filled in giving four preferences for settings you would like to attend. More information about settings can be found following the links at the bottom of the page.
Who should complete the Preference Form?
All students who will be in Y11 should complete a Preference Form, so that the Local Authority can consult with providers, amend EHC Plans as appropriate and arrange for any agreed necessary funding to be put in place.
Students who are not yet 18 years of age by 31 August 2025, must continue in some form of education or training and their EHC Plan must remain in place. If the Local Authority doesn’t receive a preference form the EHC Plan will remain in place but no specific placement will be named in the plan. These students will be encouraged to re-engage in education and training and if they would like to access a training course they are encouraged to contact their SEND Officer who will consult with providers in view to naming a setting on their EHC plan thus giving them an opportunity to continue their education.
What happens if I don’t submit a Preference Form?
If you don’t submit a preference form then the LA will be unable to secure a placement to meet needs for September 2025.
You need to submit a Preference form even if you are remaining in your current school to attend the sixth form. The LA still need to ensure that your EHC Plan is up to date and any placement funding has been applied for and is in place for the following year.
So, if a young person wishes to continue in education or training then a Preference Form must be completed.
How to complete the Preference Form?
Please complete the form using BLOCK CAPITALS and in Black Ink
Part One/Pupil Details:
Fill in the top box with the student’s name, date of birth, home address and current provision.
Part Two / preferences:
Identify your Four preferences following the instructions provided on the form.
(Please Note: This is not an application to the Provider – applications will still need to be made directly to the College or Provider)
Part three:
Information can be given to support your preferences. For example: if your first preference is not a local provider.
Information to be filled in regarding Students in Care.
Part Four: Check that the form has been completed correctly according to the bullet points provided.
Part Five: Sign and authorise.
This can be completed by the Student/Young Person or by the Parent/Carer as appropriate.
On Completion:
Forms can be returned via the young person/student’s current provision
or directly to the SEND Team by email: [email protected]
By Post: SEND 0-25, 6th Floor, Telford & Wrekin Council, Darby House, Lawn Central, Telford, TF3 4JA
(Forms need to be received by: December 2025)