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Post 16 Education and Training

As part of this Local offer, schools have additional duties under the Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Disability Regulations 2014. Schools must publish more detailed information about their arrangements for identifying, assessing and making provision for pupils with SEN.

Below is a list of schools with completed offers.

Please contact your school if they are not on the list.

Telford & Wrekin "Find a School"

Independent Special schools Telford:

Overley Hall school


Telford College
Additional Learning Support is provided at Telford College to meet the needs of a diverse cohort of learners with a wide range of learning difficulties and disabilities. Support is provided across all curriculum areas at all levels to help all students make the most of their time at college and enjoy and succeed on their chosen course.
Telford College Website

Options Group

For over 16 years we have supported a number of children, young people and adults who require specialist services. Through the success of our services, the outcomes delivered to those accessing them, and in recognition of the changing needs of the services and individuals in our care, we have expanded our facilities and developed the services offered within them.

Options Group

Willow Tree Centre

Telford College has officially opened its new £1.8 million Willow Tree Centre, supporting learners with complex needs and disabilities. The building, based at Telford College's Wellington campus, is a specialist service for students aged between 16 and 19.

Facilities include a Sensory Room funded by a £10,000 Big Lottery Fund grant, plus a Life Skills room, and training areas for Hair and Beauty, Food Technology, and Technology.

Willow Tree Centre

Section 41 list of approved specialist providers

Section 41 of the Act allows the Secretary of State, by order, to publish a list of approved independent special institutions (Independent Special Schools – England and Wales and Special Post-16 institutions) for the purposes of satisfying Section 38 (Preparation of an Education, Health and Care plan by local authorities) of the Act. Institutions can only be included on the list with their consent.

View more Information on Section 41

Future Focus

(formally known as Connexions) is a free support service for children from 13-19 years (up to 25 years if you have additional needs). We provide impartial information, advice and guidance on careers and future planning. We also help you when things get in the way of your learning or future plans.

The Young People Careers Service helps you into and during your education,employment and training.

Future Focus

Independent Support

Independent Support(IS) is a government funded programme to provide additional support to parent and young people during the implementation of the Children and Families Act 2014. 

Independent Support website

Information, Advice and Support Service (IASS)

Previously known as Parent Partnership Service (PPS). The IASS provides confidential and impartial information along with advice and support around Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. They also offer health and social care support. The service will help to increase confidence for people to participate in decisions, empowering parents and young people to take an active role in their child’s education.


Job Box

The Job Box is a one stop shop for information and support on job vacancies, training and employment in the Telford and Wrekin area. Our aim is to provide you with links to the support you can access as well as the latest information on local jobs and employers. You will find below a list of services for young people between the ages of 16-25:

Learning and Behaviour Advisory teams

The Learning and Behaviour Advisory Teams work with Children and young people aged 4 to 18, teaching assistants and school support workers, teachers, and senior leadership staff.

We offer learning assessments and advice, access arrangements, observations, advice and support for children and young people with SEND; challenging behaviours and/or emotional needs. We offer a wide variety of courses, CPD and conferences in the area of SEND and behaviour, along with in school group interventions to support settings in encouraging and improving learning behaviour. Please click on the following links for more information;

Behaviour Support Advisory Team (BSAT)

Learning Support Advisory Team (LSAT)

Sensory Inclusion Service (SIS) 

SIS supports young people with hearing and seeing difficulties. It also includes support and help for their families. The goal is to provide a wide range of assistance to ensure children have a good quality of life and are not excluded from the community.

Sensory Inclusion Service

Telford & Wrekin Post 16 Transport Policy Statement and Application

Our policy for transport reinforces our approach to give young people skills and support to make successful transition from education and training into sustainable employment. Our main objective for this transport policy is that wherever possible we give young people the help they need to travel independently in a manner that is safe and sustainable.

View the statement or download the application form here

The Skills and Enterprise Hub

The Skills and Enterprise Hub offers vocational work based training giving people opportunities to gain knowledge, skills and confidence enhancing their opportunities to move towards the world of work.

At the hub we support people to develop new skills making a wide range of high quality, excellent value products and delivering services for sale to the public including:

  • rustic goods
  • garden products
  • art and craft items
  • car washing
  • TWIGS - a community based gardening service for residents of Telford and Wrekin

Skills and Enterprise Hub