Future Focus Pathways to Adulthood
What is FutureFocus?
FutureFocus is a specialist Careers Service run by Telford and Wrekin Council, which provides impartial information, advice and guidance for young people in Telford, aged 13 - 19 years old (or up to 25 if they have an Education, Health & Care Plan or had a Statement of Special Educational Needs).
This Pathways to Adulthood booklet has been produced to provide information to parents and carers of young people with a Education Health & Care Plan. It contains information on the support and opportunities available to young people when they move on from school or compulsory education.
This pack contains information on:
- The FutureFocus Service
- The Transitional Review process
- Assessments
- Local Supported learning courses at colleges of Further Education
- Specialist Independent Residential Further Education Colleges
- Local Employment and Training
- Leisure activities
- Adult Services
- Other sources of help