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Preparing for Adulthood

Education and Training Providers

Provider Offer Levels
Telford College  Vocational programmes English and Maths (GCSE and functional skills)
Supported internships, apprenticeships
 Entry Levels - L3 (and beyond)
Shrewsbury College  Vocational Courses, A Levels, Apprenticeships
 L1 - L3 (and beyond)
Walford & North Shropshire College
Wolverhampton vocational training centre
Madeley Academy 6th Form  A levels and BTEC programmes  L3
Haberdashers' Abraham Darby 6th Form  A levels and BTEC programmes  L3
Holy Trinity 6th Form  A levels  L3
Thomas Telford 6th Form  A levels and BTEC programmes  L3
Adams Grammar  A levels  L3
Landau  Employability programmes, English and Maths (GCSE and functional skills)
Supported internships, apprenticeships
16-25 (without an EHCP) 
 EL3 - L2
Nova Training  Employability and vocational programmes, English and Maths (GCSE and functional skills)
Vocational areas: beauty, business admin, customer service, hair, motor vehicle, construction, carpentry, apprenticeships
16-19 (without an EHCP) 16-25 (with an EHCP)
 EL3 - L2
Juniper Training  Employability programmes, English and Maths (GCSE and functional skills)
Vocational areas: customer service, childcare, traineeships, apprenticeships
 L1 - L2
County Training  Employability programmes, English and Maths (GCSE and functional skills)
Business admin, retail, customer service, IT, hair, supported internships, apprenticeships
 EL3 - L2
Coaching Connexions  Employability programmes English and Maths, Sport (GCSE and functional skills) traineeships, apprenticeships
 L2 - L3
Princes Trust  Re-engagement programme
Derwen College


Are you aged 16 - 25?
Are you currently out of work, education and training?
Are you unsure what to do next in terms of careers and training?

If you answered 'YES' to the above the chances are we can help out. Please click here for further information or get in touch for an informal chat.

Business/School Matching Service

The Business School Connector site is a portal to connect businesses with education with the aim of better preparing young people for the world of work.

Click here for more information

Help & Support

In Telford and Wrekin we offer a range of support services to everyone looking for information, advice and guidance on finding a new job or training opportunity.

Click here for more information