Short Breaks
What are Short Breaks?
Short Breaks are solely available for children and young people with a disability and span a range of activities, care and support options that a child/ young person with disabilities may need.
A Short Break can last from a few hours to a few days, an evening, overnight, a weekend, and school holiday daytime activities, depending on assessed need.
Short Breaks provide an opportunity for children and young people with disabilities to spend time away from their carers, try out new things, have fun and make new friends. Short Breaks can also provide families with a chance to do things together.
Short Break services use the wide definition of disability as found in the Equality Act 2010.
Telford & Wrekin Council uses the legal definition of disability:
A physical and/or mental impairment that has a long term and adverse effect resulting in significant impact on daily living/development of the child/young adult
Telford & Wrekin Council consulted on a new Short Breaks Statement which provides a much needed update, with clear eligibility criteria and how we aim to commission short breaks activities.
For more information, please view our Short Breaks Statement or the Short Break Regulations
If you have any enquiries, you can contact us on: [email protected]
Short Breaks Newsletter
The Short Breaks Newsletter has been created to communicate any hot topics and upcoming activities and events to children with disabilities and their families within Telford and Wrekin. There is a new edition released at the start of every month. You can view all past editions here.
Children with Disabilities Register
The Children Act 1989 requires all local authorities to establish a register of children with a disability in their area. Although Inclusion on the register is optional, we encourage registration as this helps Telford & Wrekin Council and partners understand more about the needs of children with disabilities across the borough, plan for the future and ensure residents needs are met.
The Children with Disability register is maintained by Children with Disabilities Team, however, inclusion on the register does not relate to eligibility for a service and support from the Team. You can download or request a copy of the form here.